
Chapter 5: It was an accident.

[Note] To any hardcore people out their reading this fanfic: I am not a hardcore person. I do not like using the proper words for women and men parts because I find the word for 'lady parts' disgusting. I couldn't even type it in without erasing it. Perhaps in the future when I'm more comfortable with it, I will start using it. So if you want, you can replace any words I haven't included with ones you want to make this more enjoyable for you. The end. :-)


"Thank you so much!"

I'm sorry..what???

They stared at Barbara, their eyebrows furrowed. Okay, let's backtrack a little:

They'd been...uh...let's just say 'making out' in Marinette's room when Barbara had come barging in with two bags of ice lollies (that were now safely in the freezer) and caught them. She'd told them to meet her in the Kitchen and they'd had to mentally (and physically) prepare themselves for her rage or massive speech about the do's and don'ts (mostly don'ts) of sexual relations but instead of biting their ears off, here she was grinning like she'd just won the lottery and thanking them!

"Uhhh...your welcome?"

"Wait..why-why are we being thanked?"

She cleared her throat. "Well you see, I was going to give you the 'birds and ladybugs' talk, but (emphasis on 'but') your..uh..relationship let's say, has won me a lot of cha-ching!" She burst out laughing.


"Y'know! Dough!"

"Listen Barbs, I don't know what kind of 'dough' you're referring to, but the only kind I know is the one I use to make you your weekly rolls."

Barbara rolled her eyes. "Money!! You've won me a lot of money!" Damian opened his mouth to speak but she held her hand up. "Before you ask what I'm talking about, let me tell you not to freak out or get mad--" she stared pointedly at him, "and to take what I am about to say very well..." She shut her mouth slowly glancing at one and then another as if daring them to interrupt. When satisfied, she grinned. "Good. So. Me, Tim, Dick, Jason and Cass organized a betting pool where..." She dragged the 'e' on and spoke the next words in a rush "we bet on how long it would take for you guys to get together!"

"Excuse me! What?"

Marinette choked on whatever imaginary drink she'd been drinking. Perhaps it was the one called 'betrayal'. Nah, 'betrayal' was too bitter. Perhaps it was 'revenge'. Oh wait, no she was saving that one for later. She'd heard it was very sweet.

She waved her hands in protest and chuckled awkwardly. "No, no, you're getting it all wrong Barbs! We aren't together."

Barbara's laughter died. "You're...not?"

"No. Before we were just--I--There was something on his shirt and I was helping him get it off." She mentally slapped herself on the back. Great job Mari! Y'know what, she deserved a reward! Yeah! Maybe a trophy for the biggest doofus in all of Gotham, or maybe a medal for the worst liar in a the whole of America! Yup. That sounded just about right!

Barbara's eyes narrowed. "So there was something on his shirt.." Marinette nodded "and you decided that pinning him to a wall and joining your lady parts his dick in holy matrimony would get if off?" Marinette nodded slowly.

"Yup. That's basically it. Because...well...that stain was..uh..very low and I..I couldn't reach it.."

Baraba's head bobbed slowly. "Uh huh."

"And uh..well.." Shh! Shut the hell up Marinette! Just put your lips together, it's not that hard!!!

Damian slapped his hand on his head. "What she'd trying to say is that...uh..." Okay, to be honest, he hadn't really thought about what he was going to say. He was just trying to get Marinette to shut up.

Barbara sighed mentally exhausted. "Okay. Let's all just agree that you were both...in the mood...because you both haven't had sex in like a year. M'kay?"

Marinette's mouth shot wide open and she flushed bright red. And by flushed, I mean she had a dip in lava then took a trip into the pits of Hell and crawled back out a sweating mess. She could hear Damian's coughing next to her and Tikki's sniggering somewhere in the back next to the cookie jar.

Um Joker! Now would be a pretty good time to swoop in an kidnap her or cause some sort of trouble that would get her out of this. No? Okay. Be like that.

"For your information!" Oh, it seems Damian's recovered from his coughing fit "I had a one night stand a few weeks ago and--" He shut his mouth as quickly as he'd opened it and slowly turned his head towards the woman next to him.

Marinette stared. She just stared. Then she took a step. And another. And another. Until she was by the door. Then she turned around, stared some more, and left. "Wait! Mari! I-I didn't mean to--"

He felt a hand on his shoulder. "Well done Wayne. There goes my hundred dollars."

And then Barbara's phone started ringing and she left to go and pick it.

He turned towards Tikki probably looking for some words of wisdom but she just shrugged and took another bite of her cookie.

Very helpful. Thanks Tikki.


It was an accident. She really didn't mean to!

Marinette's head was swirling. She couldn't think straight. I mean one minute, he says that he doesn't mind her heats and then the next, he's going on about a one night stand a few weeks ago! Rude! Like, how could he! She wasn't jealous or anything....she just felt a tiny stab at her heart and slight - no scratch that - extreme discomfort.

She kept telling herself it was just the heat. Even when he sat next to her and talked about that being a "mistake" and the only thing she could focus on was how close he'd chosen to sit. Their thighs were practically touching! Like, did he not understand a word of what she'd said before! This close proximity was practically killing her already!

And then he just had to lean in! It was his fault really. I mean come on! It's not every day you're in heat and a really handsome guy starts leaning in all worried about you and your feelings and because you're..well..in HEAT...your body starts processing the action differently and the next thing you know, you're crashing your lips on his!

Then again, her lips were still on his and he wasn't exactly pulling them away. Besides, she needed closure. Remember? The million dollar question about whether they tasted like cherries or not. Well..they didn't but they didn't exactly taste bad either.

They weren't as soft as they'd been before. They were more rough. But she liked rough. She liked them so much that she really couldn't help it when she broke the kiss for air and then put it back together again but much deeper this time. Deeper as in grabbing his hair and pulling him on top of her. Huh, she was pretty strong.

She could feel herself throbbing and he still wasn't pulling away. Her eyes were shut tight as they transported her to her that dream she never got to finish. The one about walls and pinning and touching and his magical hands. But this time, their lips met. This time, he was on top of her and sadly his hands weren't moving. In fact, his whole body wasn't moving. It were as though he were a statue. It wasn't satisfying. She didn't like making out with statues (not like she'd ever tried it before) and she was almost certain he was probably mad. She had just forced a kiss - or two - onto him after all.

She pulled her lips away almost whining when he slowly peeled himself off her and stood up. No! She deserved this! How many times had she assaulted him now? And he still wasn't turning her in!

"Dami?" She opened her eyes bringing her fantasy to a stop. But she was still throbbing. Stupid cockblocks around every damn corner and now she'd just been stopped by the damn assault police!

But she had to make sure she hadn't enraged him. "Dami?"

He wasn't answering. Why wasn't he answering! Was he actually mad? He was probably fuming!

She lifted herself off the couch watching as he turned his back to her. Yup. He was mad.

She slowly lifted her hand, her fingers twitching as they made contact with his back. Her heart sunk deep when he shrugged them off.

"Take a few steps back and close your eyes." He finally speaks.

"What? Dami listen I'm--"

"Just!" He sounded mad. Was he mad? He was probably mad. He took a deep breath in and let it out, his voice cracking and quiet. "Just do it." He sniffed. Was he crying?

She opened her mouth to speak but shut it and obeyed. If he was angry right now, the best thing for her to do was to obey.

She heard shuffling.

She felt something on her eyes locking them shut. It was hot and..sweaty? His hand perhaps?

She opened her mouth to ask him what he was doing but gasped when she felt something warm on her lips. She couldn't see it, but she knew her face was red. She was bound to faint from all this blushing! But still. It couldn't be...was he...no way. It couldn't possibly be that he was k-k-kissing her right?

But her suspicions were confirmed when she felt something hot and wet on her tongue and she moaned. Not a small moan. No. A ripe one. A fresh one that didn't come close to expressing how darn aroused she felt at this point in time.

His tongue was on her tongue and his lips were on hers! This was pure bliss! Actually no, it wasn't bliss and it was pure. If anything, it was the opposite of pure. It was dirty. And she loved it.

She almost cried when his fingers dug into her waist and he removed his tongue to nip at her bottom lip. They were both battling and neither was holding back. It was...the battle of the lips!


No. That sounds really gross and just downright cringy.

Okay, it was not the 'battle of the lips' but it was a battle. And she could feel herself losing.

She could feel him grabbing at her waist and then her back and pulling her closer. And his lips were doing the most naughty things to hers. And then he pulled her up.


He literally pulled her up!

He grabbed her thighs and pulled her up so she was straddling his waist. Well technically, she jumped up but same difference! The point it, she was straddling his hips and he was kissing her and oh Gods did she just hear him moan? She needed to hear more of it! His voice just sounded so sexy and hot and deep and she was actually dying!

He jerked his hips and she had to break their kiss and bite her lip to prevent her noises from escaping. She returned his jerk with one of her own and soon enough, her member was raging with fire and she knew she had to douse it out but it just felt too. Damn. Good!

She squealed as his hands moved further up her thighs and under her skirt.

"Fuck Dami!"

He replied with a groan and she almost screamed when he swirled around and threw her onto the couch before climbing over her.

She could hear him huffing and puffing as though he'd just run a marathon. But she could tell he was holding himself back. She could tell by the tension in the room thick enough to be cut with a butter knife just how badly they both wanted this. But he was holding himself back. Was it for her?

Did he not want to hurt her? But she'd started it! So she'd be the one to end it.

Maybe she just had to give him a little nudge. And by 'a little nudge', she meant grabbing his hair and pulling him down.

She smiled and her eyes closed as she held him down relishing in his body heat. Her breathing was coming out ragged and she was sweating rivers but she couldn't help it. Incoherent (bad) words spilled out of her mouth when she felt him press hard against her and his hands reached her stomach. And then they went up. And up. And his lips found her neck and he sucked. She let out a yell.

He'd found her darn sweet spot!

She couldn't help the whimpers and (still bad) words that spilled out of her mouth as he rubbed hard and quick against her and just kept sucking ans sucking. Her eyes squeezed even tighter when his fingers picked at a piece of skin just under her bra occasionally slipping - just a little bit - underneath before removing them and then starting the journey all over again.

He was such a tease!

Well two could play at that game!

Her fingers (that she'd totally forgot existed) found their way under his shirt and she slowly traced her nails up and down his back.

The room was polluted by the noises they made and she could feel herself slipping away into the arms of absolute recklessness and she pulled his shirt higher and higher exposing his bare chest.

Fucking hell his level of hotness (yes...hotness) could challenge the fires in the deepest of Hell's pits. Actually no, the pits wouldn't even be a challenge. The man on top of her was so hot that he could melt the coldest glaciers (sorry polar bears). Wait. No. He wouldn't just melt the glaciers, he would melt the entire thing; both the South and North Pole would melt (that would probably cause flooding and the poor animals would suffer but...we're not thinking about that right now).

She could feel the twisting in her core as though a corkscrew were at work and it was just getting tighter and tighter....

Or at least that's what she wished happened.

Let's just go back a bit...

She opened her mouth to speak but shut it and obeyed. If he was angry right now, the best thing for her to do was to obey.

She heard shuffling.

And then silence. Her eyes were burning with anticipation and curiosity as she wondered just what he was doing.

And then he spoke. "You can open your eyes now."

She gulped and slowly opened them wincing at the ray of light from the windows threatening to blind her. Her eyebrows furrowed.


He didn't look mad but..but...why the hell did he have a bunch of cushions on his lap?

Next chapter