
Chapter 27

"Is Hitler dead yet," I asked as Iliana arrived.

"No. Like you said it won't end the war." She replied.

"Yeah but it certainly won't help their war effort," I said. "I have a nice assortment of weapons that are perfect for assassinating people,"

"I know but I fear that the son of Hades has a few experienced undead demigods by his side," She said as she slumped onto the couch. I nodded at her words, that could be a problem. "Maybe you could help out,"

"I'm working with Daedalus on a project that is taking a good amount of my clones," I reject her. While my magical energy increased, the number of clones that I am using to work on the nukes was expensive on my energy levels. If I wasn't a physical beast I would have been tired most of the time.

"Too bad, could have made for a fun date," She said.

"Would have been too easy," I replied and gave her a quick kiss. We both knew I was joking, for all I know the son of Hades could have a god backing him.

"Cocky bastard," She replied with a smile.

"I was thinking about visiting your sister. I need some magical items for my project,"

"And you think she will turn you into a guinea pig without me there," She replied and I nodded.

"I may have let my pride control my actions the last time, though to be fair she is a bit insufferable." A bit was a bit of an understatement.

"I am surprised a fight didn't break out."

"So was I," I replied as I took out a few celestial bronze rocks. "Time to get up lazy ass, I want to go hunting,"

While I liked it when other people made me wood, I discovered some hobbies along the way and hunting was one of them. That is why I lived in the forest with my neighbours being a few hundred metres out.

"Don't wanna," She grumbled out. So I did the only acceptable action and threw her on my shoulder like a sack of potato. "For a son of Aphrodite, you aren't very romantic,"

"You should be glad I am not like some of them, my siblings have a tradition where they would break the hearts of their first lovers," I replied back and gave her a nice spank as I ran out of the house and into the woods. While I did this, she made herself comfortable by sitting on my shoulders.

As soon as I saw a deer, I threw the rock at supersonic speeds blasting a hole through its brain without it even sensing the danger. Iliana clapped her hands on my shoulders while making cheering noises.

A monster stepped out of the shadows and grabbed the creature before hauling it back to our home. It was a bigfoot like creature that I created for the fun of it, while not the most useful thing it was certainly nice to have someone to carry your stuff.

As we continued our hunting, my magic senses warned me of a disturbance. This forest was my grounds because of all the wards and runes I had in place so I had a connection that let me feel disturbances easily, yet this one was so faint that the ordinary sorcerer would even feel it.

I considered whether Hecate was playing her games again but dismissed it since I doubted I would be able to sense her if she didn't want me to, especially if she showed up in person. With a quick signal to Iliana, she backflipped off me and within a second we used magic to put all of our equipment on.

"Not gonna lie, this is kind of uncool," I said. Whatever was stalking already knew I knew they were there so no reason not to call them out. I could have acted if I didn't notice anything, but when dealing with the unknown I would rather have all my armour on.

"Don't you do this to other people every other day," Iliana replied.

"Hypocrisy thy name is you," Something said and I looked at the position to see three old women. Unlike the old people I have met before like my mother or Eros, these things looked like they would collapse if I breathe on them wrong. Though I knew that was a facade, these were The Fates, one of the most annoying group of people you could deal with but also powerful as well. Anyone with the ability to take away my free will should just die.

"Greed is thy sin," The other old woman replied as they gave me a blank stare.

"Calamity thy future," The last one said before they vanished.

"Ominous," Iliana said. With my heretical plans, one of these future telling shits were bound to show up one day. What was the point of them even showing up? To flex on me? Was it a scare tactic?

"I guess we are moving again," I replied, annoyed. "Great, they ruined my appetite as well,"

We headed back home, with a newfound wariness to our march. As we entered our house, I was half expecting a jumpscare but what I saw was Hecate in the flesh skinning the deer. This was the first time Iliana and I saw her in person.

"Mom?" Iliana asked, probably not sure if this was a trick by The Fates or something.

"Iliana, " She replied with a motherly smile. I didn't know if she was legit so I was ready to spear her in the head with my weapon if she tried doing anything malicious. "I see Ezra is still as paranoid as ever,"

"It's not paranoia if they are out to get you,"

"Fair enough, do you want an oath like the first time we met?" She asked.

"She is legit. I can sense my mother's aura anywhere," Iliana interrupted before I could agree. What is it with children of Hecate and being able to sense their mother's magic? Did she train them in order to root out deception I doubted they could sense it if she wanted to hide it?

"That's nice Iliana, but where I am from it is considered rude to break into someone's house," I replied.

"That sass is cute on you, but unfortunately this visit isn't exactly social," She said and the atmosphere turned serious. "As you know I can see into the future and being the goddess of the mist and magic, I can sometimes hide certain activities,"

"So you were the reason that those three only showed up now," I theorised.

"You were always a smart boy, sometimes too smart for your own good. It was easy since The Fates never focused personally on you and you're activities were isolated. Now that things are closer to the damage you will cause, the fates are unravelling my magic." She replied.

"Why help me then? Is it because you don't want Iliana to get messed up in my business,"

"Yes, and I want to see your ambitions realised. Having a powerful ally isn't something to dismiss and I yearn for the status quo to change," Hecate replied. "My ex-follower Medea has been working on a spell for a few centuries now and would be helpful in your endeavours,"

"So you know what will happen in the future, any tips for us," Iliana asked her mother and Hecate shook her head.

"No my dear, I have a vague outline of things that can happen. All the planning that went into it I am not sure about but Ezra hasn't disappointed me yet, so hopefully, he would be able to pull off what he is thinking."

"Thanks, I am gonna blush," I replied with a smile. Back in the day, I considered seducing Hera for her magic milk and Hecate for her magic but they weren't my type for anything other than sex. Thankfully I got an easier solution for both of those needs.

"Even if he is a bit of a brat," Hecate said with a smile as well. "Good luck to you two and be careful. Just like how I can protect things from future sights, the fates can do so as well and do an even better job."

Hecate gave her daughter a hug before vanishing. She left the skinned dear, so I let one of Iliana's mistforms handle cooking that. Like I said those three crones ruined my appetite so I will save it for later.

"So are we moving to the Labyrinth tonight," Iliana asked and I shook my head.

"No this was a spook tactic, we won't give them the satisfaction of running just yet," I replied. "Plus I can divine that something beneficial will happen soon,"

That night when I was sleeping, I felt another presence trying to invade my dreams. Ever since that day with Hecate where she invaded my dreams I have tried to get countermeasures for this issue. Though I was curious, when using a bit of divination I knew something profitable would happen soon. So I let the person enter my dreams, where I had full control.

Pieces of what I can only say was once a giant of a man stood in front of me. "We have much to discuss, I will keep it short for now. Assist me with bringing the downfall of the current regime and I will grant you power, status and women. ,"

I smiled in response. I expected many things, but Kronos was certainly not one of them. I can see now why The Fates are on my ass. "It sounds like a nice deal, but I am afraid I don't know who you are,"

"Kronos the Titan of Time and your easiest method to godhood, fame and fortune," Kronos said and I nodded. I will play along for now but as soon as I have contact with Medea I will do what those idiots in the Trials of Apollo couldn't do and rob a titan of his powers.

A/N: You can read ahead on patre,on/ DickMcJones.

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