

'This is my first kill,' I thought, lowering myself over the monster I managed to hunt. 'My first proper hunt,' I thought, unable to shake the excitement off my head. 

"Don't waste time," the Overseer was quick to arrive at the scene. Judging from his reaction speed, I couldn't help but harbor some doubts whether he simply allowed me to hunt this monster or if I actually managed to do it myself. "Get the stones and any other material that you want and leave. It's dangerous to loiter around a place that stinks with blood," he adviced. 

I shook my head to get over my excitement. I pushed my spear, blade first, into the ground and pulled out my knife. 

I kicked the monster to its back and slashed its belly open. 

"It should be at the base of its ribs," my companion advised, not even looking at the monster but scanning the area around us instead. 
