
6. Still trying

Ken's POV

I stretched my arms out and my whole body felt heavy, I blinked my eyes open and looked around, why am I sleeping in the living room, and why is Peter's leg draped over me. I sat up and reached to throw his leg off then Lola came dashing up and gave me a quite signal by putting her index finger to her mouth. I almost just grabbed her and pulled her down onto the floor with me. I was so filled with joy to see her.

Lola gentily moved Peter's leg and she helped me up we tip toed into the kitchen, then Lola jumped and gave me a big hug, I quickly returned her embrace, though I did fell a bit awkward because Ryan, Aroura, and Eve were all standing there.

"How are you feeling? Can you talk? Who did you go see?" Lola rapid fired questions at me.

I thought for a moment and remembered feeling confused and angry and frustrated about not talking so I took a deep breath.. "I think I'm ok now." Even to me my voice sounded raspy but I could get the words out and my thoughts were pretty clear for just waking up. "How long have we been asleep?" I asked

"For over 24 hours, you are obviously the first to wake up." Aroura jumped in she looked more stern and worried than usual. Lola then handed me a glass of water which I greedily drank down.

"I'm sure when Ethan and Peter wake up they will be fine too." I said and tried to sound comforting, my thought feeing more like itself.

"It's not just that." Aroura said "Come see"

Then Aroura walked out of the kitchen and into Eve's room, as I walked in the door of Eve's room I could see someone was in Eve's bed. I did a quick mental count, Peter and Ethan are asleep in the living room, Ryan, Eve, Ella, Lola, Aroura were all in the kitchen with me so who did that leave. I stepped closer and noticed a black cloud surround the head of this person. "Who is it?" I asked as I stepped even closer. Eve, Arora and Lola stayed back crowding the doorway. I felt nerves but my curiosity pervaded and I finally reached the bed. I looked down at the face surrounded in black smoke. "Matt" I whispered and leaned even closer. "It's Matt!" I yelled and went to burst though the door to tell Peter. The girls stopped me.

"Wait, Peter and Ethan were more affected by the spell then you let them sleep. We can tell them once they wake up." Eve told me

"Come on," Ryan was standing down the hall motioning us back to the kitchen. Once we were all back in the kitchen "Can you tell us what happened?" Ryan asked me

"I'll start some food." Eve stated and began getting food out of the fridge and pots out of the pantry.

"Well,….."I began and layed out what I could remember from the crow to my biological family to us being unable to speak. It seemed like a fantasy story to me but as I looked at Lola she seemed to understand and just that made me feel I could handle what's next.

Lola's POV

Ken woke up over a day ago but Peter and Ethan are still sleeping. Matt's condition doesn't seem to have changed and Ella just sits in the corner of the room waiting for him to wake up. So far Ken is the only one who can walk up to him, it must be a horseman thing. Anyone else starts choking and collapsed even Eve.

Aroura says she is pretty sure Matt is Death so that only leaves Plague for us to find. She started a board with all the info we know about the boys, it looks like one of those boards from a police movie or a murder movie, but it keeps her restlessness down to a minimum, while she waits , so whatever.

We are spread pretty thin so we haven't had a change to go back to the motel were Aroura and I found Matt. Ken and I did go by the old mayor office to see if we could get more info on his "family" but when we got there it looked as if no one had ever been there.

"I don't understand." Ken said staring at the very vacant building

"Are you sure it was this one?" I asked even though I knew he was Ken nodded his head

"Let's look around the whole building just in case" I said but really I didn't expect to find anything, except maybe a magical signature if we got lucky. I could already feel the power that surrounded this building.

Ken nodded and started walking to the back of the house. I quickly followed behind him. The back of the house looked just as deserted as the front, but something in me wanted to try the door. I walked up the stairs to the back door and turned the door nob. Nothing it was locked up as well I turned and faced Ken.

"Locked" I said and shrugged my shoulders. Then something happened and I could see a man in a suit helping an old man in a very traditional looking oriental robe down the stairs. The old man waved his hand at the bottom of the stairs. Then even though I know I was having a vision the old man and I made eye contact. We stared at each other for a few moments and I could swear he could see me. He broke our eye contact and whispered something to the man in the suit.

The man in the suit nodded and walked to the apricot tree in the back yard. The man in the suit put something on the tree cleared his voice and spoke, "If Hyuk wants to find us here is how." It was very apparent that unlike the old man the man in the suit could not see me. I was quite captivated by the man in the suit he was strong looking but something in his face even with glasses on looked so familiar, I started walking toward the man in the suit and the apricot tree then I felt hand on my biceps that pulled me back and the familiar man in the suit and the mysterious old man in the rob were gone.

The hands on my biceps were Kens and I was still so startled I didn't know what was going on. Ken turned me around and looked at me. "You were about to fall off the side of the porch." Ken pointed to the nearby edge that had no railing and what looked like what would have been a rosebush landing.

"Thank you." Was what came out of my mouth

"No problem, you were really spaced out, but you and Ryan said to let you be when your like that unless your going to hurt yourself." As Ken spoke I started down the stairs toward the apricot tree.

"Who is Hyuk?" I asked Ken while I searched the tree were the man in the suit had been.

"How did you hear that name?" Ken asked surprised, he had followed me and was already standing next to the apricot tree.

"Here it is." I happily sang out when I found the paper hidden in the apricot tree.

"What is that and how did you know my birth name Hyuk?" Ken looked on edge and so nervous he was almost shaking.

"It's ok," I put the paper in my coat pocket and reached for Ken's hands as I grabbed onto them I stepped closer before I began my explanation. "I saw a man in a suit and an old man in a fancy robe leaving the building in my vision, but the thing is the vision was left for someone to see so they put a clue to how to find them here in this tree, the man in the suit said if Hyuk wants to find them." I spoke softly because I could tell everything about this situation made Ken on edge.

"I don't want to." Ken finally said after a long silence "Not after what they did to us."

"Ken I don't think they meant to hurt you guys it seems more like a test." I told him

"I don't want to be tested by them." Kens said angerly he released my hands and started walking away, "Let's go." He yelled back when he was already half way around the house.

I knew why Ken was so upset but I also knew we needed more allies and I didn't get a bad feeling from the old man really he made me feel nothing but warmth. I double checked my pocket to make sure the paper was still in there and sighed as I looked at the apricot tree. "I'll bring him back it's just going to take a bit." I touched the tree and then ran to catch up with Ken.

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