
First Mission and .... 'The Bride'?

Gotham City, a city quite enriched, but at the same time very dangerous, even containing the most dangerous criminals in the world. You could say that it was not the best place to live, but it also had several people who provided security and protection to the streets of this.

Currently, walking in the midst of several people, was Chris, who was wearing a black sweatshirt, white shorts and sneakers of the same color as the pants. It had already been a few days since he arrived in Gotham and thanks to the help of an old acquaintance of his family, he was able to take the school transfer exam, of course, although he owed half of his achievement to Lia, since it was she who gave him the answers that Chris did not know, despite the fact that the latter gained almost unlimited knowledge about 'everything'.

It is not that it was not intelligent, it is just that many of the questions were quite confused and intertwined, because it was not a single origin, but due to the union of the two worlds, several changes arose in the history of the world that he knew.

Arriving at a police station, Chris approached a person who was wearing a raincoat and had started smoking. Being already behind the person's back, the boy says. "Uncle Gordon, he's sure they won't tell you anything if they see him smoking outside the Police Department."

James Gordon, Gotham City Police Chief and Commissioner, was one of the 'protectors' guarding the dangerous streets of Gotham City. Together with Batman, both are in charge of leading the march of good on this city, even going so far as to have the latter give him armor to help him in his crusade against the crime of the underworld.

"Eh, who is it -... Chris !!!, until you finally arrive, a little more and I was already thinking of withdrawing my rest permit" said Commissioner Gordon, who after having given a last suction * to his cigarette, he stubbed it out and tossed it into a nearby trash can, after all, he should set a good example for his old friend's son right.

"Sorry Uncle Gordon, I got up late because I was training all day yesterday until the wee hours of the morning" said Chris, who had been training for several 'days' inside [Gate of Babylon] .

Once he had finished entering his details to apply for the collegiate exchange exam, he spoke with Lia about the restrictions on his ability, as Zeirox had apparently changed his [Gate of Babylon] from the original version of Gilgamesh, granting him a 'Marble Phantasm' (Golden Vault) within it. Something that surprised Chris a lot, since he had simply asked for a 'Noble Phantasm', but seeing that complaining would simply be silly, he decided to ask Lia about the other variants of his ability.

It turns out that he can not simply use the treasures obtained from other heroes, but also removed the restriction on Excalibur, managing to obtain both the sword of 'King' Arthur, and the spear [Vasavi Shakti] of Karna, as well as [Kavacha] and [Kundala] which would come to be divine equipment. He had also obtained several other treasures that Gilgamesh had not been able to collect, due to his alien and subjective nature.

But this was not all, it turns out that his ability also allowed him to connect to the different paths of the world, not in a social sense, but literally, his ability allowed him to move between the different worlds that were in this universe, even managing to enter to the home of the gods was not impossible for him. This surprised Chris a bit, but remembering that Gilgamesh also contained some treasures that allowed him to move through space, he decided to practice that function later.

Once he learned of the other changes that unfolded in his ability, he entered his [Golden Vault] and began to test each of the treasures within [Gate of Babylon], despite having spent 'days', including 'months', only one day had passed in the real world. Once he got out of his 'Marble Phantasm', Chris managed to learn various skills, thanks to the books and grimoires that were in the great library inside his [Golden Vault], he also increased his stats at a very fast rate, but then for a while, none of his skills would level up or increase his performance again, so, seeing that there was nothing else he could learn, since despite there being several other books that he could read, none of them they could be learned, due to a level restriction, just like some of the weapons and items within [Gate of Babylon].

This was because, Zeirox, he did not want Chris to increase his level exponentially, on the contrary, he decided to leave several tests around the universe for Chris to learn a good way to gain power as opposed to getting everything in a spoon silver. This put a somewhat ironic smile on the boy, since that was the same reason why he had chosen Gilgamesh's ability, but seeing that Zeirox had already seen behind his thought, then he simply accepted his fate and continued with his studies .....

Currently, he was in a car with Commissioner Gordon, who had asked to take him to his first day of school for two reasons, the first was to be able to relate more with him and be a father figure due to the lack of father of Chris, the second reason was due to his daughter, Barbara, since after he enrolled her in that school, because Gotham was too dangerous, she did not visit him again and the only time he went to see how there was her, they both fought and argued throughout the day.

While having a little chat together with his 'Uncle Gordon', Chris asked Lia to show him her status window, immediately after her words, a blue window appeared in front of him.

================= User Information =====================

Name: Christopher J. Miller

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Alignment: Neutral-Good


Level: 15

Strength: 97

Dexterity: 98

Agility: 100

Stamina: 98

Intelligence: 1500

Mana: 200

[Skills]: Gate of Babylon (D+), Martial Artist (D), Weapon Handling (D +), Basic Knowledge of Mystic Arts (E+), Spear Game - Medium Spear (D), Archery (C), Emission Mana (C), Medicine (D), Clairvoyance (D), Presence Concealment (E), Territory Creation (E-), Meditation (C), Chi Manipulation (D)

[Natural Abilities]: Pain Tolerance (C+), Charisma (A), Zero Mind (C), Mystical Eyes of Deadly Perception (C), Sha Naqbu Imuru (SSS) [Sealed *], Golden Ruler (S), Collector (EX), Superhuman Intelligence (B +), Intuition (C), Magic Resistance (D), Multilingualism (D)

[Divinity]: 0.005% (In Progress)

[Magic]: Light Barrier (E), Flurry (E), Blue Flame (D), Void Wave (E), Zero Zone (D), Tribulation of Swords (D)

[Armament]: Enuma Eilish (SSS +) [Sealed *], Enkidu (SSS -> C +), Golden Selfishness (SS) [Sealed *], Gáe Bolg (A +) [Prototype], Gram (A) [Prototype]

[Divinity]: 0.001% (In Progress)

Karma Points: 15000 (Coin) - 25 (Skill)

================================================= ===========

Seeing the breakthrough he gained from the knowledge gained in the [Golden Vault], Chris feels quite satisfied, even if he was not able to collect the wide variety of skills that were recorded in the books, he managed to get skills that would help him for the moment. After several minutes chatting with Gordon, both of them finally reached their destination and once they had got out of the car, they both found themselves in front of a large building that had the name 'Midtown High'.

"Well, I think this is where we say goodbye right?" Gordon said, feeling somewhat sad to part with the boy, since in the short time that he had known him, he had become too fond of him.

"You talk like I am gone forever Uncle Gordon, I already told you that I will not live in this place, I will just study here" said Chris.

"True, but you know what the weather is like, for now you can say that, but later you could change your answer" Commissioner Gordon said, patting the young man on the back.

"Ha ... well, I think it's time to go, I don't want to be late for my first day of school" Chris said, as he said goodbye to Gordon, only to receive an arm and a few words from the latter saying. "Come on boy, we are family now, whatever happens do not hesitate to tell me, I will do my best to help you"

After that, both separated, it is not that Chris does not have some kind of closeness with Gordon, after all, for several days the latter helped him a lot, gave him money to buy his missing food and helped him enroll in the exam of collegiate exchange. It's just that, at this moment Chris couldn't think of anything other than the notification that had appeared a few seconds ago, which he was saying.


[Ding *! Congratulations, you are within 'spider' territory]

[Mission: Get close to Peter Parker and witness the birth of the totem known as 'The Other'.]

[Secondary Mission: Get the powers of the 'spider' and link with the Web of Life and Destiny.]

[Punishment: Any connection with the Web of Life and Fate is lost, the Arachnid Totems will be wary of you.]

[Reward: 'Dimensional Travel' unlocked, Semicontrol over Web of Life and Destiny, 'State Release' unlocked.]


Smiling at such notification, Chris began to walk faster and faster, entering the building, he found an immense corridor, where several people were walking, chatting, among other typical actions in high school boys. Recovering from his daze, Chris begins to head over to where the staff lounge was supposed to be, since they still hadn't told him which classroom he would be in.

As he walked, he noticed that a person seemed to be following him, finding the action very suspicious, Chris quickly turned his body, causing the person behind him to collide and fall to the ground.

Hit* Hit*

"Ouch !! ..... why did you suddenly turn around!" said the girl who was following Chris, who had black hair, brown eyes and very healthy skin with a medium brown tone. She wore blue trousers, a white sweater and sneakers of the same color, while around her, several books were lying.

Looking down at the ground, Chris was stunned to see who the person was following him. Even though he knew that she was enrolled in this school, he did not expect to find her on the first day of school, what is more, he could feel a strange energy accumulating inside her body, waiting to come out of her.

Seeing the surprised face that the boy had in front of her, the mysterious girl raised an eyebrow as she wondered if she and the boy had ever met, since she could tell from the boy's gaze that he really knew her....

Recovering from his daze, Chris quickly helped the girl up, earning a snort from her, but not caring much about this, he starts talking saying. "Sorry about that, I felt like someone was following me and... well, when you live long in Gotham you tend to change you know?"

Hearing the boy's response, she began to dust her clothes and after seeing her books thrown from her, she began to pick them up. Seeing the girl quite familiar to him, with a rather annoyed expression, Chris quickly begins to help her pick up the books from her, managing to create a strange atmosphere, the moment they both touch hands when taking the last book there was.


Withdrawing his hand from her quickly, the mystery girl begins to lift. Seeing the sudden action, Chris can't help but let out a small laugh, which made him win a little blush from the girl, as she tried to hide her face from him to prevent him from seeing her.

"Here, I'm very sorry about that, I swore I didn't do it with the intention of hitting you" said Chris, as he handed the missing book to the girl, who took the book from her hand and said. "I-Okay, I'm also sorry I was so clueless and made you think that she was following you"

"Nod * Okay, by the way, are you a new student too?" Chris asked, as he pointed to the identification card that he hung around the girl's neck.

Looking where Chris was pointing, she puts a goofy smile on her face and says. "Yes, I switched to this school for some personal matters.... and, I wasn't following you, I was also heading to the teachers' room so they can tell me where I'll be in the classroom"

"I see ... so, what do you think if we go together from now on, I mean, after all we are newcomers, right?" Chris said, managing to win a little laugh from the girl, which, she felt good next to him, for some strange reason.

"Nod * Sounds good to me, by the way, you don't think you should tell me your name, I mean, I think I deserve to know it as compensation right?" the girl said, as she looked at Chris with a smile.

Seeing the smile on the girl's face, Chris just puts on a guilty expression and says. "Touché .... Christopher called me, Christopher Miller, but you can just call me Chris"

"Okay Chris .... my name is Cindy Moon, I hope to be in your care as classmates if we get to be in the same class hehe ~" said Cindy, as she started to walk and walked around the stunned Chris, who, despite having seen her many times in the comics, I never hope she was more beautiful than what the picture showed.

Having recovered from his daze, Chris can only put a small smile on his face and again began his walk, managing to catch up with Cindy and starting to joke with her, while wondering, what other surprises could he find within his new school, but very soon, he would realize that several very interesting things would start to emerge ...

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