

A loud Explosion Reverberating in the distance Woke Ignis up from his Slumber. Eyes still groggy, Ignis watched As All kinds of Wild pokemons Passed by him.

His eyes widened When He remembered everything that happened Previously. He, Ignis, Died when His cellpgone exploded right in front of his face. After that, He Recalled Being Surrounded by cold, Vast emptiness before Arriving here Through a Huge pillar Of light.

He Transmigrated. That's Right. He Has Transmigrated to the world He was so obsesssed With. The World full of Adventure and Pokemons.

Words Wasn't enough to express how happy he was. For the very first time In his life, Ignis finally Experienced the Feeling of hitting The jackpot. The feeling of Getting the greatest luck he had ever known.

As ignis was drowning with joy and happiness, Another Explosion Appeared in the Distance. The loud, Booming Sound Snapping him out of his Joyful Daydream.

Looking at the direction Where the sound probably came from, Ignis' heart almost Went to His Throat When he caught sight of a Towering figure.

In the distance, A Huge, Green pokemon was Thrashing around, Destroying everything Around it. A pokemon Rampaging In the distance Is not that Terrifying for him, To be honest. But what is terrifying isntead Is that said Rampaging pokemon Was One hitting Every pokemon Nearby While Slowly Mmoving towards his location.

Squinting his eyes fearfully, Ignis finally Learned who the Grumpy pokemon was. Huge, Bulky Figure. Green, Steel Like Exoskeleton. Sharp, Pointed Spikes Running down from it's Back down to it's tail. On it's Short, Stubby hand Was a Limped Fearow.

A tyrannitar. A rampaging tyrannitar was Aggresively Walking towards him.

Fear Gripping his heart, Ignis Hurriedly stood up and Started moving to the Opposite direction where the tyrannitar came from. Pulling and pushing his exhausted Body to run, Ignis Started picking up his Speed, Gradually Increasing The distance between them.

After about almost 2 minutes of running, Ignis' Exhausted body Finally Gave in. Slumping To the ground With a Thud.

Breathing Heavily, Ignis Scanned His surroundings and noticed how Things didn't Seem to Change that much. Tall, Towering Trees still surrounded him. Flying pokemons Occasionally Stopping to Take a look at him. Throwing curious Glances In his direction Now and then.

Just as Ignis was Beginning to relax, A Bright, Powerfull Pillar of light Tore through the Thick Trees, Grazing past The Area where Ignis was resting.

Face Slowly turning pale because of Fright, Ignis Turned to look where The Attack came from And Saw A Faint Figure In the distance. It was the tyrannitar.

"Holy Sh- How can your Eyesight be even that good! Did you install x-rays In there?! Because if not, How the f*ck Did you know Where I am through these trees!", Yelled Ignis in extreme Frustration.

Forcing his body To Get up, Ignis once again started Running Away from the Demonic Tyrant. Fear Completely set aside Because of His Anger. Who wouldn't Be angry? He Just Died Not that Long Ago, Woke up From his Unconsciousness only to find a Terrifying tyrannitar Walking Towards him Murderously.

It was still a huge Question to Ignis About why the tyrannitar Was targeting him, Who, At that time, Was just a Mere Unarmed, Harmless Weak human.

While running, Ignis suddenly caught sight of something strange On his Rright Wrist. Ignoring the Ppain that started to Appear Around his Legs, Ignis Raised his Right Hand and took a look at the thing Attached to gis wrist.

A Black, Rhombus Shaped Crystal was Chillingly Embedded To his Wrist. His flesh Wrapped around it, The Crystal seemed to Become one with his body. The flesh around it didn't seem to Feel any Irritation nor pain. No Uncomfortable feeling either was present. It was as if there is No Crystal embedded on his wrist.

While Examining the Strange crystal On his wrist, A Loud Explosion Suddenly Appeared Not that far Behind him before a Powerful Shock wave Slammed Onto his back, Sending Ignis Crashing To the ground.

Groaning in pain, Ignis Slowly Looked behind him and saw a Huge, Burnt and smoking crater 20 meters away From him. The smell of burnt wood Filling the air As Different pokemons began Flee towards every direction.

Looking through the Smoke, Ignis saw The faint Figure Of Tyrannitar. Standing completely still, As if It was silently observing him in the Distance.

Trying to Calm himself down, Ignis Tried standing up. Only to Slump down Back down to the ground once again. Ignis tried feeling his Legs But A sudden Extreme Pain suddenly appeared from out of nowhere, Making him winced In an effort of Preventing himself from screaming.

While Ignis Was Enduring The Extremely Painful Feeling Coming from both of his legs, The Tyrannitar In the distance suddenly started Moving.

Hearing the Soft Sound of Heavy footsteps In the Distance, Ignis Endured the pain and slowly Started to Crawl away from the direction where the tyrannitar was.

Ignis hated this. He hated this Feeling that was Always present In his Previous life. The Feeling Of being pathetic. In his Mind, He thought that the tyrannitar might be enjoying while Looking at his Pathetic, sorry state. Resorting to Crawling in order To get away from danger.

Up until now, Ignis Still couldn't figure out how The tyrannitar Can track him. Given the distance and The Obstacles Between them such as trees and Rocks, It was just too impossible to pinpoint his almost exact location.

The first one might have been a coincidence. Or even Might have been an Accident. But The one earlier? That was not a coincidence. When Ignis Ran away from the tyrannitar earlier, He Made sure to make some slight detour. Going around some Trees and Huge rocks, Gradually Moving Away from the direction that tyrannitar might Think he is taking.

Hearing the Heavy footsteps Getting louder and louder, Closer and closer, Dispair Once again started to Consume both his Heart and mind.

"Bro, I've Just Transmigrated. . .I didn't even get to Eat a Single Berry here and your already Taking me away?", He Jokingly Said Before he Came into a complete Stop. You cannot Outrun Something just by crawling.

Laughing Bitterly, Ignis Slowly Sat up, Hands Clutching His Legs Before leaning on a Large enough rock he found Beside him before Looking up at the Figure Walking towards him.

The tyrannitar Was obviously taking it's time. Walking chillingly Without any Signs Of being aggresive like it was earlier. Ignis Examined it's Appearance, And Noticed the Strange appearance of it's Eyes. The sclera on it's Eyes Were both completely black While the pupils Were both glowing Purple.

For some Reason, Ignis thought of how Similar the Crystal on His wrist And the pokemon's Eyes Looked like and sure enough, When the tyrannitar Arrived in front of him, It Leaned forward before locking it's gaze To the crystal on his wrist.

The Tyrannitar seemed to Smirk For a short Moment before opening it's Mouth widely. Ignis' Heart Jumped to his throat when bright Orange energies started Gathering On it's Mouth, Slowly Merging and Turning into a Glowing Ball of destructive Energy.

The tyrannitar was going to use hyperbeam to Eradicate him, What an honor.

Smiling bitterly, Ignis Relaxed his Body. Completely Giving up and Decided to just accept his Fate.

Just when things was About to become completely hopeless, The Black Crystal On his Wrist suddenly Exploded into a burst of Blinding Black and purple light as Images of Numerous Creatures suddenly appeared on his mind.

Gyarados, Alteria, Garchomp, Pidgeot, Spinarak, Pikachu, Blastoise, Electivire, Staraptor, Venosaur, Swampert And many more pokemons That he encountered While Paying the Modded Version Light Platinum.

Then, When All Pokemons Present on His Pokedex Were done Showing up in his mind, His Beloved Charizard Blaze, The Starter pokemon That He received From Prof. Jennifer suddenly Appeared from out of nowhere. Claws Formed into a Thumbs up.

Blaze Stared Warmly At him, A Mischievous Grin Plastered On his Face before Roaring At him in greetings.

Then, Everything Was engulfed In a Blinding explosion of Black And Purple light. Under the stunned Look of The tyrannitar, A Huge, Black Figure Started materializing In front of it. It started with the head, Then the neck, Then the body and Limbs, after that the wings and finally, The tail where a Very Bright Orange flame burned Strongly at the very end of it.

The Figure Opened it's Eyes. Bright Red Pupils Staring coldly At the Tyrannitar that was daring enough to Bully his Partner. Wings Spread To It's fullest, Blaze Took a deep breath before Roaring Loudly At it.

Blaze, The Shiny Charizard, Has arrived to Kick your ass, You Bastard!

Next chapter