
A New World

Trigger Warning- rape scene, m/c is not the one who does it though, skip the first 4 paragraphs if you want to skip the scene

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Third Person Pov

"no please stop" cried a Dunmer(dark elf) woman as she was being forcefully thrust upon in her own dwelling. The one raping her was a distinctly Nordic man who punched the woman harshly and said " you make any more noise and I'll kill you, I don't need you to be alive to fuck you, you know."

The girl was feeling helpless and angry, not angry at the Nord, she was furious at him, but she was angry at herself for her weakness, for finding herself to be in a position where she was being taken advantage of. She wished she could be more like her ancestors. Cunning, powerful and selfish were dark elf traits that she found herself lacking.

She has tried to help her community of dark elves in the grey quarters of Windhelm. She had thought herself cunning when she tried to seduce a guard into letting a dark elf urchin off the hook for petty theft. She didn't know that the shop owner who was stolen from would find out about it, from the guard's bragging at that, about her actions. That shop owner was right now on top of her, forcing his compensation out of her.

She focused solely on her anger, to keep herself from going mad, from preferring the death she was being threatened with over her current situation. In her anger, she didn't notice when power was being built up inside her, nor did she notice when the world around her exploded in Fiery Wrath. At least not until she noticed she was not being thrust upon anymore.

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She opens her eyes to see the charred remains of the man that was raping her and that her house was on fire. She took a blanket from her closet to cover herself over her burnt and torn clothes and left the burning building. she knew that the death of her tormentor would come to haunt her in this racist city. She could not ask for justice, no more than her ancestors already got for her through the fiery phenomenon. She knew about ancestors wrath, every dark elf knew about the power they are capable of. She just didn't know how one activates it, nor did she ever think she would need to before today.

She left the grey quarters and went towards the docks. She left for the only friend she would trust in this situation. The fire from her building had started spreading to her neighbours and all the guards were called to help with it. Although none of them cared for the grey quarter or its residents, fires could still spread.

Most houses in Windhelm were made of stone, but there were still enough wooden roofs, windows, doors and other decorations that the fire would still spread, although much slower than in most other holds. Then there was the threat of stones caving in without their wooden support.

With the guards distracted, she could pass through the city gates, into the docks without interruptions. From there she made her way to the Argonian Assemblage to meet with her only true friend in this city. They both grew up together in Windhelm as best friends, both second-generation immigrants.

Her friend was named something in Argonian that she couldn't pronounce, but she knew it translates to Barrel-pusher, reminding her always of the racism in this city and how her friend was forced into menial labour from birth. A burning sensation brought her mind out of thinking of the injustices of her Nordic overlords. She reminded herself of the power she now wields but has no control over.

She enters the Assemblage quietly, but still, no doubt alerting some of its residents. They glare at her but she ignores them to make her way to her friend quietly wakes him up. "huh... Syb, what are you doing here, is it morning already" asked the Barrel-pusher

" No Barry, sorry for waking you at this hour but I really need your help" she replied in a sombre, almost crying tone. Barrel-pusher stands up and signals her that they beat talk outside to not disturb the other residents here. They walk outside and Barrel-pusher asks " Sybil, what's going on, why are you so upset".

Sybil replies "I was just raped Barry, that bastard just broke into my home, punched me down and started raping me", she started crying as she tries to speak more " I didn't know what to do Barry, I didn't know what to do".

Barrel-pusher asks "what did you do Syb". he stops himself to think about what she just said and hugs her tightly and asks "no, that's not important, who did this to you Syb, I'll kill him myself, just tell me Syb" .

Sybil holds his hand and drags him further away from the city wall. She points towards the city and says " that's what I did Barry". Barrel-pusher looks towards the city from over the walls and sees the

biggest fire he's ever seen in his life devouring the gray quarters.

Sybil explain everything to him, about the guard she seduced, about the rape, about her awakening her ancestral wrath ability. He stands there and listens to her as she pours her heart out.

After she is done speaking, he hugs her and says " You did the right thing coming to me, you would have never gotten justice in this city. In fact, your house will easily be recognised as the one where the fire started so you will be hunted down if you stay here, you need to leave town and change your name. They will most likely blame the fire on you. Hopefully, they'll think you died in the fire, but if anyone sees your or recognises you. No, you need to leave town as soon as possible"

Sybil asks " How do I leave this city without being spotted. They will keep an even closer watch on the Dunmer since the fire started at grey quarters."

Barrel-pusher replied " You don't worry about a thing. I'll smuggle you onto a ship bound for solitude in the morning. you'll have to hide in a barrel, but no one should notice until you reach solitude. from there you'll have to take care of yourself"

With a plan set for the next day, they rested for the night while the city burned behind them. Come morning, Sybil entered a barrel and was rolled onto a ship by Barrel-pusher. She was dressed in rags she borrowed from Barrel-pusher and has a knife with her in case she needed to defend herself.

Everything was fine until she heard sailors screaming of a storm incoming and that they might have to throw some cargo overboard to lighten the ship to make it more manoeuvrable. She started panicking when she felt her barrel being pushed around and started screaming for the sailors to stop and not throw her.

It seems as if they couldn't hear her screams over howling winds and their own shouting commands . she found herself lacking gravity for a mere second before being reintroduced to it very rudely. At least the barrel protected her from the worst of the impact. The impact loosened the barrel that she didn't even have to push the top very hard to break free of her cylindrical prison.

But she was now free to notice her other problem, she was in the cold seas and would be free to die. Her anger at her current situation turned into even more anger at the sailors, enough to bring back the burning sensation from her racial ability, which ended up soothing the freezing cold. All around her was water and ice, but she could see a cliff far in one direction. She had to struggle to keep her ancestral wrath to keep herself from freezing as she swam towards the cliff.

After swimming for an hour, she finally made it ashore and was even dry soon due to the heat from her ability. Now that she had a closer look, she could see a castle on top of the cliff. She wanted to climb to the Castel but she was too tired and hungry from her swim. She found a cave under the cliff and decided to rest there.

She found a few Hoarkers in the cave, but she could spot a place that would be easy for her to climb but impossible for the Hoarkers. She knew only from hearsay that Hoarkers were slow but watching it with her own eyes was something else.

Once she was settled on her safe Rock, she thought about what to eat, her stomach was rumbling. She looked at Hoarkers and her mouth Salvated. She took off her clothes and made stripes of clothes out of it, with her knife. she wouldn't die of cold, so long as she could keep her ability up at its minimum intensity.

Once she made a rope out of her strips of cloth, she put it under a pile of snow and activated her ability near the pile of snow, melting it and making the rope wet. Wetting the rope increased its strength. She then tied one end of the rope to her dagger.

Only one of the 5 Hoarkers in the cave was in the range of the rope as they had started ignoring her once they realised they couldn't reach her. she threw her dagger at the nearest Hoarker. The dagger barely grazed the big beast, but it was enough to get its attention. She pulled the dagger back with the rope as she saw that all the Hoarkers in the cave were more making their way towards her.

She kept throwing her daggers at the Hoarkers and pulling it back while the Hoarkers could only crowd around the Rock she was on, unable to climb out. now one small cut was nothing to a Hoarker, but 100 small cuts were enough for it to start bleeding at enough speed to die a slow death. It was a horrible death, bleeding out of 100s of shadow cuts.

In fact, the more they tried to climb her Rock, unsuccessfully, the faster they were bleeding out. eventually, some of them realised that they were bleeding out and tried to wobble their way out of the cave, but they soon found out that showing their backs to her was a bad idea. once she didn't have to worry about hitting their tusk by mistake, she started throwing daggers with much higher strength at their back. They all bled out before they could leave the cave.

She cut the fins\flaps\limbs and trails of the Hoarkers, pierced them on a Hoarker tusk to ease carrying and went further inside the cave to find another elevated ground that gave her a good sight of the cave opening while hiding her from incomers if she lay flat on the ground. It was also going to be more difficult for a non-climber quadruped to reach her.

She did this because she was afraid of ice wolves showing up. She knew she was somewhere in between the coastline from Windhelm to Solitude and from the Castel on the cliff, her best guess was Winterhold. She knew that Ice Wolves roamed in territories of Eastmarch (Windhelm), Winterhold and The Pale (Dawnstar). She was also slightly afraid of a snow-white Sabercat showing up but knew that they were rare along the coastline.

Her fears came true as she was skinning the limbs and tails that she cut off from Hoarkers. A pack of 5 ice wolves show up smelling her Massacre of Hoarkers and started feasting on her kills. She was only able to hide because of her lying flat on the higher ground and the heavy smell of blood in the cave from the Hoarkers.

She was glad she had the mind to switch places and even cover her track by letting the fins and tails bleed while she cut the Hoarkers up., Thankfully they had literally died of bleeding out so it was quicker than it would have been

She was afraid of attracting the attention of these wolves, but she still needed food, especially after ruthlessly hunting down these Hoarkers. She couldn't set up a campsite or even just use her power to directly cook some meat as that might alert the wolves. She decided to eat the Hoarker meat raw and use her powers to cook it in her mouth itself to prevent the smell of cooked meat from alerting the wolves.

Once the wolves were fed and lazy, some of them found their mates and started fucking, reminding her of her ordeal last night. She watched them with disinterest waiting for all of them to go to sleep. She used her knife to sharpen the tip of Hoarker tusk to a sharp point, synchronising her chipping on the tusk to the sounds of the mating of wolves to hide her sound.

Once the wolves went to sleep she silently made her way out of the cave, with the sharpened Hoarker-tusk in one hand and her knife in another. She knew now that she was fed and rested, she would have an easier time using her racial abilities with fire, at least as crowd control in conjunction with her weapons.

She tried to keep silent as she climbed the side of the cliff. It took her another while before she finally made it to a town on top of the cliff, dressed in makeshift Hoarker skin from their tails and Fins, held by her some of her makeshift rope, made of her old clothes.

looking at the majestic castle and knowing from the rubble she saw on her way up, she figured that this was College of Winterhold. She walks up to the college gates and is greeted by a dark elf "Welcome to the College of Winterhold, Kinsmer. I am Drevis Neloren, one of the senior Wizards here. It seems that your journey to Winterhold was adventurous. Now, I must advise you that if your only purpose in being here is to complain, you would be far better off speaking with the Jarl of Winterhold. If, however, you seek something more, I will be happy to assist you."

Sybil remembers the new name and backstory she and Barrel-pusher came up with and announces, " Master Neloren, I am Silvy of solstheim, I've endured a perilous journey here to understand the power of our ancestors". She activates her racial ability and a firey cloak forms around her, not burning her makeshift clothes." it awakened in me in my time of great need but I still struggle to control it. Whatever control I do have over it proved to be essential to my survival for my journey here".

She continues, her words getting weaker with each passing word, " In fact, I'm surprised that I'm not already a spirit walking among our dead ancestors. it gave my heart great comfort and worry when I saw you kin. I didn't know if you were a Kinsmer or an ancestor." Sybil collapses with her last sentence.


I woke up in a bed more comfortable than any I have ever slept in, instantly on guard from the unfamiliar surroundings. It was not until I saw the Kinsmer from the gate standing near me that I remembered, everything.

" keep resting Silvy, you seem to be suffering from physical and spiritual exhaustion. Our restoration scholar said that you had been using your life essence to compensate for your mana and stamina and that you should stay in bed until they recover naturally. She did have to feed you a potion of mana and stamina regeneration as a temporary solution, but you must rest further to recover your life essence. " said Drevis Neloren.

"Master Neloren, I am forever grateful for your help and the help from the College in saving my life. I don't know how I could ever repay you," replied Sybil.

Drevis replies " No need for that my kin, the college welcomes those with supernatural affinity who wish to better themselves. Letting you roam around with partial control over your great power would be unwise and asking for accidents to happen. You will be admitted to the college as a student to help you with your power and the college takes care of its students."

He continues " Your powers are much more intense than ones that Awaken in most of our kin. So you must be careful about it, even in college. Both I and the Archmage have great expectations of you. Faralda, our premier scholar in the school of destruction has agreed to help you with your fire and our Archmage himself has taken a similar interest in your abilities. he himself is an individual gifted by our ancestors."

Sybil asks " the Archmage is a kin, I didn't know that. Hearing about great figures such as him and you makes me regret never having tried harder to seek a magical education. You must think of me as a joke among our kin."

Drevis replied " Nonsense, you look no older than a 100 to me, you still have a full youth ahead of you child. You forgo keeping such a mindset, after all, better late than never. Now I'll have someone deliver your food to you and you best get some more rest after that"

" Thank you Master Neloren, you have been too kind to me", Sybil says as he leaves her room

//2 months later//

"what do you mean I'm pregnant," asked Sybil, now known to all as Silvy. " It means exactly that Silvy, you've told me about why you left solstheim, I know you have not been with a man since. you know what that means. No one would blame you if you don't want to carry through with this pregnancy" replied Colette Marence.

Silvy had to make up her reason for leaving her home and awakening her ancestral ability. it's best to stay as close to the truth about these lies, especially when it can bring such emotions to you.

" I don't know what to think, let alone what to do about it" replied Silvy.

//7 months later//


I hear screams as I feel my body being crushed inside my car by the landslide. I try to crawl my way through an opening that I assume it's from a broken window or windshield. Imagine my surprise when the car starts helping me, pushing me to the opening.

Imagine my further surprise upon seeing a giant woman lift me up as I make it out of the opening, and hit my butt. I start crying with fear that she will eat me. Instead, she gives me to another giant woman, this one with grey skin. the giant grey woman holds me as if I'm a baby and strips her top to reveal some grade A breast.

She pulls me in, lining my mouth to her nipple. hum... I am feeling pretty hungry incidentally, well bon appetite.

As I sucks on her nipple, I thinks to himself that giants aren't real. Maybe that opening I just came out of was a tunnel to A NEW WORLD like in Alice in the Wonderland. and the breast sucking, maybe I'm in a hentai world.

this stuff is pretty dark, was scared to upload it. shit that can come from my own mind can scare me sometimes. I'll still put this out there to let you guys decide

freakofnturcreators' thoughts
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