
Swords and Skills

Flashing Strike: This is Licht's ability as a Baron: his legs has been enhanced to be able to move at incredibly high speeds, which even faster than the light.

Superhuman Speed is even faster than sound. So fast, that his opponents can't see his movement.

Supernatural Leap: The ability to leap to supernatural heights and distances. When Licht tries to jump high, a lot of people mistakenly believe that he was flying.

Superhuman Reflexes: Due to Licht's body being modified, his reaction speeds have been enhanced to be able to dodge and maneuver around complex attacks. It was later revealed that Licht already obtained this ability even before he became a Baron. He is already able to see bullets moves slowly even without the enchantment from the Baron's surgery, but his talent was held back by his slow body movement which is why nobody but Schmelman seems to notice his naturally born superhuman reflexes until after he became Baron later on[9].

Speed Strike: Licht can acquire the relativistic mass by traveling at great speeds, and hit blows of tremendous force. He does this when he give a finishing blow to Davi.

Speed Throwing: Licht can throw objects at extremely high speeds, causing great damage to whatever it hits. He does this when he threw a sands at Firenda which could stop her movement.

Light Slash: Licht can combine light to attacks with his Ballot. He does this when he tries to slash the Baron masks and destroys the "world of darkness" to leave. This ability is only used on the anime adaptation.

Licht "shattered" the sky in attempt to create shockwave

Bloodlust: As the Red Baron, Licht possesses a ability to increase his count by activating Schmelman's bloodlust genes. However the more higher the count, the higher chance he would lost his sanity. Also the genes can be brought out by a unknown drug it was given to Licht bah in high doses to increase his count.

Flash Slashing: Upon giving into his bloodlust and accessing Schmelman's bloodlust and increasing his count, Licht was able to immediately slash apart a fully grown human beings into bloody mists, effectively destroying their bodies on a atomic level and rendering their corpses non-existent.

Shockwave Manipulation: Due to his speed of flash ability, when Licht activated his bloodlust genes, he can create, shape and manipulate shockwaves, a powerful compression wave produced by the movement of a body through a medium at a velocity greater than the local speed of sound. This ability is stated to be one of the biggest reason why Licht is considered as the strongest Baron.

Shockwave Blast: Licht can create a shockwave blast while traveling at great speeds.

Slashing Aura: When Licht completely lost his sanity, he generates a field that slashes everything inside of it in the speed of flash.

Flight: During his time fighting in the Abandonment War 300 years, Licht was given specialized equipment to further assist and complement his fighting abilities in battle like the rest of his fellow Barons, specifically Licht was given specialized jet boots that gave him the ability to fly, float and glide through the air, greatly complementing his "Flash" power. Although nowadays Licht is still wears the jet boots, it's not know if the boots are still functional.

These are Licht's skills, Let's see Tokikaze's,

Blink Strike: The resulting power Tokikaze obtained after going through the Baron Sugery is seemingly a more combat oriented version of his adoptive brother Licht's speed of flash, where instead of of being able to move faster than the speed of light, Tokikaze can draw his sword and attack in the speed of light.

Dimensional Slicing: During Tokikaze's "reunion" with Licht, it was shown that Tokikaze has now achieved a speed that even allows him to cut through space and even other dimensions, as seen where he was able to easily kill a powerful Special Service agent despite him then hiding himself within his own Ballot created dimension.

Master Swordsmanship: Tokikaze was known to have been already a formidable swordsman prior to the beginning of the Abandonment War and having trained himself in the sword style of Iaido and later upon joining the 13th Special Military Forces School and being placed into Class A under Schmelman Bach and being personally trained under him, Tokikaze's swordsmanship increased exponentially. Later Tokikaze is shown to have further mastered the sword via further training during the next 300 years after the war in the Abyss.

Omnicidal Slashing: Upon being forcibly put under Nikola's control using the Schmelman's gene drug, Tokikaze's count skyrocketed as his bloodlust took over and he began to slash and cut everything around him indiscriminately, seemingly reducing the entire forest area around him into a giant desert in a blink of an eye, It also has the ability to launch omnidirectional slices which then take on an Omnipresent effect.

Slashing Aura: When Tokikaze completely lost his sanity, he generates a field that slashes everything inside of it in the speed of flash.

"Damn! these guys are fu*king broken! Well whatever, I'm glad I chose these abilities instead of some bloodline bullshit"

Shiva was so excited because, these skill's are too crazy and fu*king awesome

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