
What To Do With Cosmic Energy.

Helios knows all of these despite his position far up in the void above the realm tree. He is a star. He is young but he is very big for his age. He hasn't been a star for more than ten thousand years but he put some older stars to shame. His growth rate hasn't ended either. It is all because he is not a normal star. He is the super child born of the fusion of order, chaos, divine energy, and origin flames. In a way, he is a superstar. 

He is also the child of the Zargoth plane so he remains connected to his plane and is aware of the things occurring within it. He can't actually see anything going on in the plane. He uses his connection with the will of the plane to get information about the events of the plane. His information is pretty accurate because the will of the plane is very aware of almost everything going on in the plane.

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