
A day in the life of Ben Liu Jeff and Hoodie Hayley Lulu Summer and Sky kid's part one

Liv p.o.v Sally what are you doing I asked my sister nothing Sally said okay I said Sally p.o.v LAZARI WHERE ARE YOU I yelled what little sister Lazari said DID YOU TAKE MY BEAR AGAIN I yelled NO I DIDN'T LAZARI yelled YES YOU DID I yelled BACK AT HER NO I DIDN'T LAZARI yelled Stella p.o.v Liv what is wrong with your sister's I don't know Liv said we should go and tell auntie Hayley I said let's wait and see if the fighting get's any bigger to where they are hurting each other Liv said okay I said Sally p.o.v I TOLD YOU NEVER TO TAKE MY BEAR EVER I yelled at LAZARI I DIDN'T TAKE YOUR BEAR LAZARI yelled BACK YES YOU DID I yelled NO I DIDN'T SHE yelled YES YOU DID I yelled NO I DIDN'T SHE yelled back *hits Lazari* Lazari p.o.v why did you hit me that hurt's i said crying Stella p.o.v How about now we go and get our mum's and dad's I said yes now Liv said running upstairs with me following her

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