
Chapter 5 - Trouble in Viridian City

Walking along the path, with our physiques and stamina we manage to travel a bit faster as buildings came to view.

I can't help but be excited, as based on what I've experienced in the game, the Viridian City only consists of houses, a Pokemon Center, a Pokemon Mart, and a Gym.

Continuing our walk, I saw Sandshrews and Digletts, which level ranges from 5 to 8, I record all of them on my Pokedex.

Arriving at the empty station, which seems to be the station of Officer Joy... or is it Officer Jenny it's been a while since I last played Pokemon, anyways I saw a wanted poster of a two Team Rocket members, which if my guess is right, that should be the Team Rocket couple with a talking Meowth with them.

A while later after entering the city, a hot air balloon flew above the station, as a hook took the wanted poster, and the air balloon flew away.


Walking in the city as the sun is about to set, the city is still brimming with people, there are various shops here and there, we decided to explore the city tomorrow as I need to call grandma first at the Pokemon Center, I just wanted to tell her that I arrived at the Viridian City, although she knew that my trauma is gone, she still might be worried about her grandson traveling all alone.

Though I'm already 18 which is an adult in this world, considering that they allowed 10 years old to travel alone, I just still want to tell her to not be worried.

In any case, on my way to the Pokemon Center, I saw Officer Jenny... or maybe Joy, with her bike rushing towards the station.

Upon arriving at the Pokemon Center I saw Ash seemingly lost in his thoughts, as I saw scratches all over his body, and his clothes are dirty too.

I walked toward him.

"Yo Ash are you okay?"

"I'm fine it's just... it's Pikachu he is being treated right now" worry can be seen on Ash.

"I see, he will be fine, he will recover quickly, you should take a rest first"

"Ty... Tyrouge... (Boss is right, he will be fine)" even Tyrouge reassures Ash.

I'm not that good at reassuring people, and I'm super ultra mega sure that everything will be fine since this is just the start of their journey, who is Ash? he is just the protagonist of this series and has a plot armor that allows him to take a direct hit from the attacks of two legendary Pokemon and still survive, a measly flock of Spearow is not enough to take them down.

Anyways after speaking with him for a bit which eases his mood he stood up and go to the phone booth.

I also head to the booth at the side, I dialed grandma's number, and Alakazam's face appeared.

"Yo Alakazam how's it going, where's grandma?" I asked.

"Ala... Kazam... (I'm fine, I'm gonna call her)"

A while later grandma took over.

"It's been a while Noctus"

"How is your first day? Did you catch any Pokemon or did you fight one, or maybe you found my future granddaughter-in-law?"

With a barrage of questions, I didn't know what to answer at first, and I didn't know grandma has this side of hers.

"Grandma chill, anyways my first day is good, Tyrouge over here fought a Mankey for the first time and won, and no I haven't caught any Pokemon yet, as for your future granddaughter-in-law I haven't thought any of it, I'm gonna focused more on training my Pokemon and participate in the Indigo League" after answering all of her questions, a smile bloom on her face.

"I'm glad that my grandson is enjoying himself" as she wipe a bit of tear on the corner of her eye.

"Too bad you haven't met any girl yet"

Why the heck is grandma so eager to have grandchildren.

It seems that she is a bit lonely, since the only relative she has is me, who's on an adventure.

"Okay Noctus, before we hang up, I want you to remember to always brush your teeth three times a day, take a bath and always change your underwear, and....." I look around to see if anyone heard all of that, fortunately, it was only Ash who was still on a call with his mom.

"Hmpfff Ty... Tyrohohouge (HAHAHAHAHA)"

Yeah, I forgot that Tyrouge is standing beside me, I glared at him as he tries his best to cover his mouth.


"Ohh isn't that Tyrouge that I heard" said grandma.

I lift Tyrouge a bit as he can't reach the screen.

"Well hello there Tyrouge, I heard that you won your first battle congratulations. If both of you return here I will cook a feast" upon hearing that both we can't help but salivate.

"Alright, you two should rest now. Goodnight to both of you"

"Alakazam.... (Goodnight)"

"Goodnight and goodbye grandma and Alakazam, see you later"

After hanging up I saw Ash staring at a board showing four Pokemon, I walked to the board as it had a similarity to the shadow of the big Pokemon, when suddenly the computer rang,

I decided to answer the call on the computer.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Here, I'm over here, Noctus it's Professor Oak don't you recognize me?" as the picture of one of the Pokemon on the board is replaced by Professor Oak's video call.

"No professor, I didn't recognize your back"

"Oops wrong camera, anyways I assume that Ash is with you, your grandma and Ash's mom told me that both of you are already in the Pokemon Center of Viridian City"

"I want to let the both of you know that the three trainers already reached the Viridian City earlier, I didn't expect you both to arrive so soon, Noctus I thought you might encounter a problem because of your trauma, and Ash I admit that I doubt you could handle your Pikachu it seems that I'm wrong."

"And Ash..." I left both Ash and Professor Oak talking, as he mentioned his bet with his grandson Gary.

Anyways, I sat with Tyrouge beside me, as I talk with him about what will I buy tomorrow, I took out a small notebook to write down the equipment that I would buy, this is a habit of mine in my previous world.


"Now I got you!" I heard a voice as I looked at the entrance of the center.

I saw a girl the same age as Ash lifting a burnt bike with one hand. I immediately recognize her to be Misty.

She quarreled with Ash as she wants her bike to be fixed, while Ash explains the events that happened which calmed down the little girl.

A while later the treatment room opened with Pikachu on a stretcher with Chansey "Nurse Joy!" and, yeah Nurse Joy on the side, as she explained that Pikachu is in stable condition.

Then suddenly an alarm sounded as Officer Jenny's voice can be heard, as she warns the people about the aircraft which seems to be the Team Rocket trio.

Two Pokeballs fall from the glass roof, as Koffing and Ekans have been released, and Koffing fills the air with smoke.

Tyrouge and I ran to Ash and company.

"Who are they?" asked Ash.

"Don't be frightened little boy" said the Team Rocket woman.

She's kinda hot, to be honest, it's still different from the anime itself.

'They'd surely could make a great couple' looking at the Team Rocket man beside her.

Back on the situation. I saw their shadow on the smoke as it came to view.

"They're gonna said it" I whispered excitedly, as Tyrouge looked at me strangely who would be excited in this kind of situation? I guess me?

Who wouldn't want to hear one of the most iconic mottos in Pokemon, and in reality at that, too bad I didn't bring a camera.

"To protect the world from devastation"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth! That's right!"

*clap *clap *clap

"Well done!"

Tyrouge and the three looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Right HEHE" I scratched my head embarrassingly.

"Look, Jessie, looks like we have some fans over here" said James.

"Your right James, maybe we can take his Pokemon and exchange it with our autographs" said Jessie as she look at Tyrouge, who in turn raised his fist.

"Then we can give it to the boss" said Meowth agreeing with the two.

[Ding!] I quickly checked the quest panel, upon hearing the notification.

[Quest Name: "Reinforcements"

Quest Details: Survive until Officer Jenny arrives.

Quest Reward: 4 BD Points

Quest Time Limit: Until the officer arrives.]

'Are you serious right now?' the rewards is just 1 BD Point short, in any case a rewards is still a reward.

I've made a decision.

"The three of you run I will handle this!" I said to the three.

"Are you sure Noctus?" asked Ash worriedly.

"I'm sure, now go!" as they ran with Pikachu on a stretcher.

"Oh looks like our fan wants to have a 1-on-3 interview, Go Ekans follow them" said Jessie as she commands her Pokemon.

"You too Koffing"

"I'll go with them" said Meowth as he dashes with the two Pokemon only to be blocked by Tyrouge.

"Tyrouge go you just need to stall these three for a while" I already saw their stats, their level is not that high, Ekans and Koffing are both level 6 while Meowth is level 8, and with no one to command, Tyrouge can at least last for 5 minutes or so, because of 'Freedom'.

"Tyrooouge! (On it boss!)" as Tyrouge focused on himself, even if he knew that he have no chance to win, one of their traits is to not quit no matter how many times they lose.

"So it's just you and us" said James, as he took out a punching invention from no one knows where.

I raised my fist and dashed to both of them as James launch the fist flying at me, I weaved at the side, and as I was about to release a punch he suddenly took out a shield, which results in my fist being numb, I look at Tyrouge which was having a hard time resulting him to have bruises all over his body, if not for the 'Freedom' cuts would fill his body.

Right on time, as I was about to throw another punch.

"Growlithe use ember" a Growlithe appeared followed by Officer Jenny.

[Ding!] I smiled upon hearing the notification.

The two took the ember head-on which results in their body charred, sending them blasting to their air balloon.

Then Growlithe helps Tyrouge as it used Ember sending the three to the air balloon, then suddenly a hole appeared on the ballon sending the Team Rocket blasting off.

Officer Jenny approached me and asked. "Are you okay young man?"

"I'm fine officer, I think you should check Ash and the others" as I walked to Tyrouge whose pretty much injured all over his body, though it's just only light injuries.

"Ty...Rouge...Tyrouge...(I'm fine boss, it's nothing)" as he gave me a thumbs up, with a wink, showing his white teeth.

"Yeah right HAHAHAHA" I saw his progress with the 'Freedom' from 1% to 3%.

My progress in boxing also increase a bit from 6% to 6.5%

'It seems that fighting many, or stronger opponents can quickly increase the progress' I thought.

I also redeemed the rewards, which now is 1 BD Point short before I can spin in the 'Gacha' again.

A while later, Ash, Misty, and Nurse Joy, along with Officer Jenny walked in our direction.

Pikachu seems to be fine now, as he is already sitting on Ash's shoulder.

"Thank you for saving the Pokemons Mr. Noctus" she said, then I also asked her to treat Tyrouge which Tyrouge rejects but I insist, in the end, Tyrouge has small bandages on his arms which mostly took the attack.

I chat with Ash and Misty for a bit as they told me that they will be heading to Pewter City next to which they invited me, and I politely declined.

I asked Nurse Joy for a nearby hotel, and she said that the Pokemon Center has few spare rooms.

I took the offer instead of paying for a room in a hotel since she told me that it will be free since I saved the Pokemons inside the Pokemon Center.

"Ready for tomorrow buddy? our training will start tomorrow, we need to be stronger, as there will be a lot stronger foes in the future"

"Ty...Rouge...Ty...Ty...Rouge...(I will be stronger enough to one punch that big bird)" as he raises his fist.


(For some of you who haven't seen the pics that I add on the previous chapter about 'Freedom' this is it. Also the following chapters will be solely focused on Noctus and his adventure.)

(Image Here)

(A.N: That would be all for this chapter

If you like the story I would highly appreciate it if you save it to your library. YOUTH!!!)

Let the power of YOUTH explode!!

- Might Guy

Uncrowned_Hokagecreators' thoughts
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