
There Were Worse Ways To Spend Your Life

Lavender didn't speak a word the entire time she worked but once she was done, she admired them and Kreznik figured she probably wanted a compliment. That was the sort of thing husbands did, wasn't it? 

It had been so long since he had been around anyone married. His father complimented his mother frequently. He thought she was the most beautiful creature in all of existence and she would laugh happily every time he said so. 

"Those look nice," Kreznik told her. 

Lavender seemed surprised. "You think so? I messed up some of the flowers though. It's not super noticeable but—"

"I didn't notice at all."

He hadn't even known those were supposed to be flowers. He still needed to learn more about this planet if he was going to stay here. Since it didn't seem like he had much other choice not even knowing how to look into repairing his ship. 

She smiled at him. "That's good. Thanks."

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