
Mini tea party

Since Abel asked to be invited to join them for tea, they had no choice but to endure his presence. Sitting around the tea table, Veronika darted her eyes between the two people sitting across from her. Just like Veronika, Suzanne pursed her lips into a thin line. Meanwhile, Sybil cast the other princesses a quick look.

The three had occupied solo chairs while the host of this mini tea party was sitting on the same divan that the emperor was sitting on. Although there was an arm's length distance between Aries and Abel, it still felt a little strange how the emperor chose to sit with her.

"Does my presence bother you, princesses?" his cool voice broke the prolonging and thickening silence in the room. 

"Of course not, Your Majesty?" Aries flashed him a meek smile. "We are honored to be graced by your presence."

"Then why are you letting the tea run cold?"

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