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Back To Viv's POV:

I didn't feel like myself. I was in a dream. I couldn't focus a whole lot. Time was flowing differently as I was being told a story. A familiar lady's voice hummed to me. A wolf running with two pups across pack territories. I could smell each knew scent. Each different to match the new enviroment. From snow, to forest, to sands, to jungle. The wolf ran. The wolf went straight to a waterfall. The kind that was endless. Roaring to life. There, she would then let her pups rest. But before she had the chance to drink some of the water- I could hear the ferocious sound of a bare trap go off. One of the pups whimpering as death knocked. A bell's jingle went off as her second pup set off the alarm mechonism on a string. It was too late. I could hear a gun go off before seeing the mother drop dead. Her blood leaking into the stream of the waterfall. I wanted to think that mother wolf looked a alot like me. But, when I thought more on her, see looked more like Arwen.

The light filtered in through blinds. It woke me up from my vivid dream.

Oh shit, where am I?

I looked at the soft medical bed I've been in before. The familiar blankets promised me I was back in my mom's medical wing. I was back in pack territory. I felt like sighing. I could feel Arwen happy. Brendon's scent was consuming me. I felt his arms wrapped around my waist and hugging me. He was in the bed with me. I glanced behind me, seeing him sleeping. I gently grabbed a lost hair strand and pushed it behind his ear. Brendon's delicious scent was all I've wanted for a long time. I loved apple, cinnamon, and brown sugar because it  made up my favorite scent. His scent.

My stomach throbbed in pain and I realized then this wasn't my first time waking up since I've been home. I could faintly remember waking up the first time in this bed. Before Brendon joined me- I woke up to Nena and my mom. I could remember them explaining I- I lost the baby. Of course I did... It was just too early along and I wasn't being careful. I felt my eyes swell up. I had thrown a fit- and tried to deny the truth. But, they decided to give me some sedatives to help me relax. Brendon must have joined me when I was falling asleep on them.

"Brendon?" I whispered softly. I glanced out towards the floor to see Arwen curled up to a gray-patched wolf. I could only recognize the wolf as maybe- Brendon's wolf? I could see his wolf now?

'Arwen? Who is the wolf?' I asked her softly.

'This is Steele, he's Brendon's wolf,' she explained to me.

'I can see him,' I informed her. I wanted to ask her why though.

'You're mated to Brendon now,' she explained to me and yawned. She stretched before curling back up in a litte spoon as Steele was the big spoon.


"Brendon," I said louder now as I hit his arm. He didn't budge from my hit. I felt my heart pound in my chest.

'He's with the moon goddess on a visit,' Steele told me suddenly. 'Get some more sleep. He will be back soon,' he promised.

'He went without you?'

'I'm here to protect you,' Steele told me as he licked Arwen's head. 'Now get some sleep.'

I couldn't rest. I felt restless. He needed to come back to me now, so I could tell him about Niall. "Please," I whispered. I kissed his forehead. "Send him back to me. I need him here, moon goddess," I mumbled out my prayer. I could only hope she would listen to my plea.

I moved out of his arms when I decided he wasn't going to wake up any time soon. I looked around before seeing a bag of my things on the chair. I walked over to see a note signed by Nena.

'Got you some things from your room to wear,' was neatly written for me and signed by her. I crumbled the note and threw it away before picking up my pink duffle bag and took it into the attached bathroom. I felt my tears hit the surface as I turned on the shower. I forgot but I had just been in this same situation- except I crawled out of the window to make my escape. This time, I didn't need to because I was home.

I took a shower. It felt like forever since I had a proper one. So, I took my time. I relaxed my muscles under the warm water and took some time- thinking over the last couple of days. Sure, I've missed some time in the pack. Surely there are some things I don't know that happened. I'll have to wait for Alpha Brendon to catch me up on those things.

After my shower I found out Nena had some sense in good fashion. She picked out my Hand Crocheted Sunflower Crop. It's green with yellow sunflowers aligned at the bottom. My favorite Brown water buffalo sandals. These have been molded just right to fit my feet perfectly.

And, matching green Patchwork Print Tie Front Pants. They're loose and comfy.

I was greatful when I found my tooth brush and hair brush. It was something I missed while being gone. These were two things I found a whole lot of pleasure in despite it being so little. I felt spoiled when I found my perfume and deoderate. I would have to stay away from shifting for the day if I wanted to enjoy these small little things. Shifting would pretty much ruin these human products. They tend to zero out when I shift between forms. There isn't a whole lot of use in these products for wolves- but I loved them.

I could hear voices in the room. It almost sounded like Brendon's voice. I put everything away in the duffle bag I didn't need out and took it with me back into the room. When I entered, my eyes locked in on Brendon's set. i dropped the bag in excitement. But, he was already up and coming for me. I giggled as he swooped me up off my feet and crashed his lips against mine. Our bodies practically went at it as I yanked on his shirt. I managed to get my hand under it to touch his skin. My fingers tingled as they touched him- but his touch against my skin was like- the feeling you get when you touch fire. He was burning up. Was he not feeling good? He stuck his head down beside my neck and smelled me. He growled in delight.

A voice interupted us.

It broke us from our hungry insticts.

It made Brendon growl in anger as he looked over his shoulder.

"What?" He asked.

Oh, that's right. I forgot he had been talking to someone. I looked behind him and saw my mom, Romona. She was in a casual outfit, meaning she was taking the day off but still felt it was right to come in and see us. She looked towards me happily.

"Hey baby girl," she said as she waved.

"Hey mom," I whispered.

"Alpha Brendon, you're needed in your office," she reminded him as she gave him a look of 'remember?' questioning eyes. I glanced around for Steele and Arwen but they had already disappeared. I wonder where they went? Arwen does that sometimes...

"Yeah, tell them we will be in soon. I need to talk to the Luna in private," Brendon told her and motioned towards the door. "Please leave and shut the door behind you."

"Yes, Alpha," she said as she blew me a kiss. "I'll talk to you soon, sweetie." I nodded her way as I watched her go. When the door was shut Brendon looked at me.

"Should I correct her and make her call you Luna?" He growled playfully. I shook my head. I really didn't mind the lady who pratically raised me my whole life calling me whatever she wished. He nodded in agreement. "I don't make my parents call me by formallities either," he told me as he carried me over to the bed and sat me down on it. "Listen, we have a few things to discuss." He looked a little sadd as he sat down by me.

"Y-yeah, I have to tell you a few things too," I told him and chuckled.

"Do you remember about-"

I cut him off with a nod. Of course his first question would be about the baby.

"Do you want to talk about it right now?" He whispered. I shrugged as I let out a sigh.

"I have a lot to tell you first before I can even think about that," I told him as I felt tears swell up my eyes.

"Okay, don't rush. We will try to talk about it when you're ready," he assured me and kissed my cheek.

I decided to put on a brave smile for him. We have bigger fish to fry right now. I have to tell him about Niall.

"I have to tell you about my brother," I blurted out. "It's Niall. He's-"

"I know," he told me quickly. "He's been working for Lamia this whole time."


"It's kind of hard to explain. But, I know. What happened to you?" He growled out softly.

"Niall took me into the woods," I started. "Turns out I think he was intentionally leading me into a trap. Because we met some guys that I thought were hunters at first. I couldn't fight them off and I remember Niall talking to them familiarly. I woke up in Lamia's castle." I bit my bottom lip hard as I thought back to that vampire. "Cal and Cole are stilll there," I blurted out. "WE have to save them," I urged. He nodded in agreement as he looked for me to continue. "S-so," no way am I telling him I killed Emmett. "Lamia was going to kill me- but"

"That vampire saved you," he said quickly.

"Yeah, I think he wants to help us," I told him quickly.

"I kinda ran him off," he said and looked upset to say it. Looks like he's had a chance to calm down and realize Eder was just trying to help. "He did say he would come back," he said and looked happy to say it. "I'll have to give him an apology," he said awkwardly. I wanted to laugh. He sighed before rubbing the back of his head. "There's something you should know." I raised an eyebrow. So, I did miss something?

"Yeah?" I asked softly.

"Your brother- Malakai," he muttered as he avoided my eyes. "He's missing." I jumped up quickly and growled. MISSING?! That's right! Lamia was talking to that guy about it.

"What happened?" I asked quickly. I already knew this. But I have to know what he's done about it.

"W-well," He grabbed me and made me sit back down next to him. "I think he found something he shouldn't have about your disappearence. His scheduel got mixed around and when he went out for a run someone got him. We're not sure who, but I'm sure they work for Lamia. Donovan goes on trial soon. Evidence pointed to him-" I cut him off as I heard enough.

"I overheard Lamia talking about it. She doesn't know where Malakai is. So whoever took him, isn't working for her. But she set his kidnapping up. It just wasn't her guys that got him. Donovan is innocent, as far as I know." He bit his bottom lip as he listened to me.

"Mmmmh... When you got back, Niall took off. He's gone off to Lamia's. Looks like he knows he can't safely stick around here anymore. There's something you should know though... that you might already know- those two are romantic for each other."

"What?" i wrinkled up my nose. "How do you know that?"

"I took a run over there with a spirit guide to do some spying."

Yup. That explains it. He's got to be telling me the truth then.'

"Niall told her to kill Eder if she wants him to kill me," he chuckled out. "They have wild ambitions," he growled. I looked at him with wide eyes. They're over their heads! There is no way I will let Niall kill my mate! I growled and went to stand up but he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. "Don't worry my luna~ We have someone here to help us."

"Who?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"I sent Fang away with one task and that was to try to recruit the nearby alpha's into the war I'm about to wage down on Lamia."

"He's back?" That must have been less that twenty four hours or so?

"They're in my office right now waiting for us, we better go." He stood up and offered his hand for me to hold. About time~! I smirked. It feels like we are going to win before the war even starts.

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