
Ocean experience

I followed after Luke and Diana into the elevator that soon after descended down to the first floor. The elevator music wasn't that boring music you would expect, instead there was some bangers playing which I really enjoyed. I was almost reluctant to walk out of the elevator. As the doors opened, we were greeted with the clamour of people as they hurried here and there. It was loud compared to the peaceful atmosphere in the elevator.

The place still had the same floral scent that it did when I first arrived which was soothing. I did get some weird stares from people; it was probably due to the tattoos. I was wearing a shirt and shorts. I initially thought of hiding them but then I didn't bother. One, I would have to continuously redo the spell and I was too lazy to do that. And two, I looked older than I was. So, no one would think I was 12. If I still looked like I did before, I would have no choice but to hide them since a 12-year-old with tattoo's was too bizarre to not take notice of.

I can attribute it mostly my abnormal height and now more mature face which helped. I still had childishness all over my face, but it was much less then before. I only hoped Hermione wouldn't freak out too much. Not to mention everyone else.

In the end, we managed to arrive outside where a minibus was waiting with people lining up. On the side it read 'great open ocean diving experience'. I slightly freaked out when it said that.

"I-I thought it would be a coral thing Luke, not the open ocean!" I said with much hesitance. Luke looked at me with much surprise.

"Yeah… what's the problem, do you have something against the open ocean?" he questioned. I nodded slightly.

"Not a very big fan of not seeing the bottom. Don't like large bodies of water Luke. Might sit this one out on second thought," I said. As soon as I backed away Luke grabbed my shoulder. And looked at me with a grin.

"Who knew little Tom was scared of the ocean. I haven't seen this side of you ever. I don't think I have every seen you scared of anything." He turned to Diana as he said that. She thought for a second before shaking her head.

"Yeah… now that I think about it, Tommy has never really shown this side of him." She said with a slight smile. I looked at them in horror as they stared at me with smiles etched on their faces. They wanted me to come only to see my sacred face? Where did their nice personalities go?

'Achlys this isn't your doing, is it? You sadistic prick.' I said in my head.

{Where is this coming from, I did nothing, don't accuse me of something I didn't-}

[it was him] interrupted Drak in a childish tone.


{If I do something I would own up to it, maybe this is simply your parents taking revenge on you for being a boring ass child mate,} he said dismissively. I sighed, I didn't have a choice in the matter and before I realised it, I was already on the bloody bus heading to the ocean.

Thirty minutes later we arrived at the beach where a team was waiting with boats and equipment. I really didn't want to do this. Open ocean with empty darkness below is not my thing man. As I groaned, I was dragged onto one of the main boats which sped atop the water. Bobbing up and down through the waves.

The salty air and the cold spray of the ocean kept my very much aware of what I was doing.

Not long after, we arrived beside a bigger ship we boarded which was where we would be diving from. I reluctantly put on the suit and lined up behind Luke as we were instructed on the had signs and rules and how to use the equipment before jumping into the water. As I hit the water I quickly sank. As soon as I looked down, I regretted ever listening to them.

There was only water, no sea floor, nothing, only blue and black the deeper I looked down.

'Oh, hell naw, this is not for me,' I thought while shaking my head. There could be everything and their mother down there. Not to mention giant magical creatures. I finally knew I had a phobia of open ocean. Nature was something not many wizards could go up against. I believe even Dumbledore would be swallowed up by natures wrath.

As I looked around, a massive school of fish appeared which originally scared the shit out of me. All I saw was a massive shadow heading towards me. But I knew that where schools of fish were, predators followed. And I was right, sharks soon appeared. Even if I was a wizard, sharks still freak me the fuck out. But I had to calm down. Getting scared wouldn't fix the issue.

I saw the other tourists heading closer to the boat and decided to follow. I soon found myself entranced in the almost dance like routine the sharks and fish did. One lunged forward while the other morphed into different shapes as they dodged.

This lasted for a while before both parties moved away leaving only the empty expanse of water with small chunks of mutilated fish. What surprised me though, was that I no longer felt so scared. A very slow but steady feeling of comfort and familiarity seeped into me as I observed the emptiness of the ocean. The currents that clashed, the occasional fish, the waves, it all had a rhythm to it. I was not longer scared but emersed myself in the rhythm, enjoying the feeling of being one with nature.
