
Current progress and Quests

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


The next day after having woken up from a long night of partying with his friends, The first thing Yuki did was to beat the crap out of Yurei for daring to steal from him before he made sure to retrieve every single gold coin he stole from him….

After this very serious matter was over, he turned his attention to his current appearance and he had a disappointed look on his face 'After coming back to this world, I lost a lot of muscle mass and mana, and I only have what remains in my magic core huh… Let's see my current attributes…' thought Yuki before he invoked his 'Status' in his mind

[Name: Yuki Chibana (Robin Peterson)]

[Strength 90]

[Speed: 25]

[Vitality: 77 (+7)]

[Soul: 95]

[Free attribute points: 20]

[Magic: 3360 (+160)]

[Mana: 84650 (+650)]

[Mastery: Mutsu Enmei-Ryu]

[Skills: Turret summoning (1/10 | Vampire's gaze( 1/10) | Desperation strike (2/10) | Aura of corruption (8/10) | Conqueror's Haki (4/10) | Magic sense (4/10) | Sword Aura (9/10) | Frozen snare (1/10) | Phantom phasing (1/10) | Dark strike (6/10) | Dark shield (2/10) | Quick step (1/10)| Dimensional link (2/10)]

[Abilities: Enhanced Stamina Recovery | Wicked Thought | Master of self | Unyielding | Greed | Despair | Path of evolution | Immortal stand | Absolute focus | Lucid mind | Natural Breathing | Superior Regeneration | Supreme elemental resistance | body of diamond | The hero's favor]

[Skill points: 11]

[Items: Ring of Twilight (1/10) | Space Ring (3/10) | Guardian's Orb (4/10) | Guardian's Horn (1/10)]

[Item Upgrade points: 4]

[Talents: Drawing | Minotaur's potential | Swordsman]

[Description: ….]

'Not bad' Thought Yuki while staring at the mirror before he smirked eerily and made his magic course through his body causing it to bulk up and return back to its old form and his attributes were restored back to their peak. Although, his mana was going down at a terrifyingly rapid rate of 5000 per second. Meaning that he can only maintain this form for about 17 seconds.

'This is enough for whatever I might encounter in this world, in fact, even my normal strength should be enough to deal with most of the dangers of this world…' Thought Yuki with a smile before he deactivated his current form and rested on his bed to think about what to do next…

'This house is cramped, and I have enough money to do whatever I want now, I need to buy a bigger house as soon as possible…' Thought Yuki while shooting Shizue that was staring at the people walking on the street curiously from the window and the desire to go out and experience the world was pretty clear on her face so he smiled slightly and thought 'Guess I will just kill two birds with one stone'

And just like that, Yuki spent the whole day touring Tokyo with Shizue and searching for a house to buy at the same time, but unfortunately, he didn't find anything he liked so they just returned home and planned to continue their search tomorrow which delighted Shizue.

However, he would soon regret taking her out with him as he started to find her standing over him creepily each morning waiting for him to wake up to go out together…

"Is Yurei infecting her with his creepiness or what? I should really hurry up and find a better house to separate the two from living in the same room" muttered Yuki as he ate his breakfast and a certain undetected ghost heard him and started cursing him under his breath before he casually disappeared and went to his neighbor's house to steal some money since Yuki wouldn't give him any at all…

While Yuki was searching for a new house to stay in, he didn't forget to give the underground arena a visit at night since he still had an unfulfilled mission there.

[Quest: Standing at the top]

[Quest Description: This world contains many different beings that can only be found in a world of fiction, some rely on their bloodlines, some rely on their magic, and others on their special abilities… but then there are those who were artificially created, they were mere humans yet they achieved unmatched levels of strength, and one of them is none other than the champion of the underground arena Kuro!]

[Quest Task: Win 50 fights in the arena to gain the opportunity to challenge the champion and defeat him!]

[Quest Reward: Fighter talent| 5 skill points | 10 free attribute points | 3 Item upgrade points| Additional rewards depending on the completion of the mission]

[Quest note: The Champion is your goal, but the road to reach him will be a hard uphill climb so be warned…]

'I don't think it will be an uphill climb anymore with how strong I have become' Thought Yuki confidently as he went to fight in the arena once more, he already had more than 25 consecutive fights so he still had another 25 more to go and he planned to complete them slowly…

What was surprising is that his nickname still stuck despite the change in his appearance which was a huge blow to his recently inflated ego…


Meanwhile, during Yuki's stay in the Tensura world, a huge event occurred that rocked the underground communities all across the world… The famous assassin 'The Reaper' was captured after he got betrayed by his own student who later replaced him as the current Reaper…

Very few people knew who captured him or where he was being held, although no one cared enough to go save him unfortunately… This was the lonely life of an assassin, you only leave behind enemies that want nothing more than rip you apart…

Yuki of course didn't forget his quest to save Ryushi, In fact, he already planned a meeting with silent, his unique link to the underground, and the two of them were currently sitting in a coffee shop with the latter's face still almost hidden by his hoodie...

"Long time no see silent" spoke Yuki calmly to which the latter nodded before he raised one finger before he raised two.

This was his way of saying, do you want an item or do you want information, and Yuki calmly replied by saying "I want information this time as well"

The last time he asked him about the underground arena, and he went through this same procedure so he was familiar with it this time around…

Meanwhile, Silent nodded before he gave Yuki a piece of paper for him to write what he wanted to know.

Yuki directly wrote 'The reaper, where is he?' Before he handed the slip of paper back to silent who paused slightly when he read its content and stared deeply into Yuki's eerie eyes before he wrote a number on it.

Yuki was prepared for any price and stared at the number confidently, however his face soon started paling slowly every time he counted a zero in that number…

"Are you serious? O-O-One billion yen for this information?" Asked Yuki with a forced smile while internally he was thinking 'Does this bastard know about my journey or what? He's asking for almost 8 million dollars! Who the fuck does he thinks I'm?'

Silent nodded once more before he wrote on the piece of paper 'This is top secret information regarding a special project, most of the money will go into bribery to find the accurate location'

Yuki's eyes narrowed after hearing this as he thought 'It seems like he knows a little bit about what happened to Ryushi but he didn't delve deep enough to find the location of their base huh? I guess fair enough…' Thought Yuki coldly before he took out a piece of diamond that weighed around 50 grams and said "Find me the location, I will give you the rest later"

Silent's eyes widened slightly at the purity of the diamond… This was a diamond that was processed through magic and he instantly realized its value and he couldn't help but stare at Yuki doubtfully as if saying 'Where did you find this thing? And do you really still have more of it?'

Yuki simply smirked at him and showed that he still had another similar piece to which silent nodded and wrote on a piece of paper 'I will contact you once I have that information' before he quickly left, and Yuki almost felt that he was running away with his diamond, but that guy shouldn't be that stupid right…

"All I can do now is wait…" Muttered Yuki before he stood up and bumped accidentally into a woman with his shoulder "Sorry..;" He quickly said and the woman didn't take it that seriously after seeing his apologetic look… If only she noticed how her wallet suddenly got lighter while Yuki went to pay for the drinks they just had with a happy smile on his face

"Ah it feels good to be back among normal people" He muttered with a wide smile on his face as he made his way back home while making sure to get himself some spare change since he still has yet to exchange his treasures for money…


Meanwhile, inside a special laboratory, a man with dark hair, and a gentle smile was currently tied to a chair and being experimented on by having dark matter injected into his body… However, despite the gentle smile this man kept on his face, his dark eyes were eerie and empty, like a predator waiting for its prey to fall Into his trap…

And from the hidden look of glee that appears in his eyes whenever he catches a glimpse of the results of the experiments, it appears that his prey has already fallen into his trap.

This is the Reaper, an assassin so perfect in his job to the point that it ended up leading him to master many professions, and his unrivaled genius made him instantly understand the experiments his capturers were trying on him and he manipulated them to achieve success without them even realizing it!

'It won't be long before I get out of this place. However, I still need to make sure that I won't die right away… Hopefully, the results of their experiment on the moon will come soon' Thought Ryushi who suffered countless tortures during his stay in this laboratory... Then, he changed his focus to an innocent-looking woman that approached the room he was in.

They were separated by enhanced glass, but that didn't change the fact that the woman seemed to enjoy her talk with him, especially when she told him about her struggles with teaching her students and asked for advice from him…

However, she didn't realize that he was also learning from her… learning how to be human once more, and neither did he…

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