
Crazy past and incoming beating

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


"Hey, aren't those guys the three Sasazuka dragons?" Whispered a girl to her boyfriend nervously as she watched Chihiro snapping at that thug…

"You're right, I think they are! Those guys are trouble, should we call the cops? they seem to be in an argument with that woman..." Replied her boyfriend in a worried tone

"Are you crazy? what if they come to us next?" The girl was very scared and selfish she didn't even care about what could happen to that woman that was confronting the three thugs.

And unfortunately, many people had similar thoughts and conversations to what they just had, especially those who knew about the notoriety of these three and as some of those fearful whispers reached their ears…

The faces of three idiots that were called 'the Sasazuka dragons' became even more arrogant and smug and their world choice started becoming much more aggressive...

"Hey kid, if you don't stop ignoring us you will regret it very soon" Said one of the hoodlums that had his hair dyed green when he saw Yuki simply sitting eerily in silence with his face covered completely by his hair unresponsive to whatever going on around me, and the thug's unfounded anger was raised by another notch when he noticed how Mashiro was holding Yuki's hand with a worried expression on her face.

And just as another hoodlum was going to lash out. Yuki suddenly started raising his head to them slowly which revealed his true expression to the world, there was no fear or worry, no anger, there was only coldness...

"When was it? The last time I was taunted like this with my life on the line?" Yuki murmured while staring blankly at the space in front of him… re-reading the note of his new quest…

Mashiro felt her heart aching more and more for some reason when she saw the cold look in Yuki's eyes and the rest of the people watching couldn't help but feel a chill when they saw those eyes especially with the added effect of his appearance making the thugs appear much cuter in contrast…

"Maou-san, that guy's scary…" said Chiho as she unconsciously clung to Maou who was looking at his new neighbor, and from his big experience of living a long life filled with wars as a demon, Maou realized something immediately 'he's not afraid to fight them, even with the current condition of his body…'

Seeing the dangerous look on Yuki's already creepy face made the three thugs feel uncertain about their decision to antagonize who they thought was simply a scared boy hiding behind a woman, but their egos immediately kicked in, and didn't want to accept the fact that they were fearful of such a weak-looking kid so one of them tried to ease the nervousness that was rising in his heart by yelling "HAAA kid, you didn't like it when we taunted you? How about I do it more then?"

This thug had his hair dyed red, but what he didn't know was that he simply misunderstood Yuki's words and thought that he was talking to him and replying to their taunts while in truth he was talking about the system and the note of the new quest that asked him to beat these bullies despite the unfavorable condition of his body that was barely holding itself together...

And this taunt in particular got on his nerves because it reminded him of a certain incident that happened to him in the past... a similar sentence was uttered while he was facing a helpless situation and tugged at the limits of his sanity … and ended up breaking it…


Yuki didn't live a long life, dying only at the age of 25, yet he kept facing one tragedy after another even though he also achieved some success in life at a young age. Some tragedies ended up breaking him... While others helped in hardening him and shaping him into what he became in the future and giving him the power to change his life for the better.

And the sentence the system wrote coincidentally or not on that quest's note reminded him of something that happened after the biggest tragedy he faced in his life. Which's the day he lost his parents...

It was 15 years before he died and when he was only 10 years old, he ended up losing both his parents in a car accident. It was a weekend and the weather was cloudy, and his father Jack was taking him and his mother to visit his grandparents who didn't live far from them, and by the time they were in the car and ready to go, it started heavily raining, But his parents decided to go anyway...

However, although they all expected that this trip was going to be short as they did it many many times, they never would have thought that it would be cut even shorter as something unexpected happened...

A truck that was moving in the opposite direction from theirs on the other side of the road and which they were supposed to pass without even thinking much about it suddenly slipped because of the wet road and as luck would have it, came crushing right at Yuki and his family leaving his father no time to react to change direction as they were simply too close when that happened...

Meanwhile, Yuki was sitting on the back seat, and at the last minute, he hid behind his father's chair instinctively which was a split-second decision he still felt complicated about… and although he ended up breaking a hand and suffering a minor concussion from the terrible impact, he was able to survive and make a full recovery...

However, his parents weren't as lucky as was, as they took the hit directly and even though the airbags of their car activated in time to weaken the impact. They were simply not enough to protect them from such a strong impact and they both died right away from it... and Yuki was traumatized by this for a long time as he witnessed all of this with his own eyes…


After this horrible incident, Yuki's life changed, he was broken for a long time as he simply couldn't fill the hole that was growing in his heart from losing both his parents and kept thinking about them during the day, and at night he was assaulted with all kinds of nightmares and kept reliving that incident many times, but at least he was lucky enough and he had his grandparents to take care of me...

However, time moved on, and although his lively personality changed after this incident and he became much colder and distant towards people in general, he started slowly opening up again to the people that loved him and it was mainly thanks to his grandparents that showered him with love that he didn't fall completely into darkness...

But that all changed after his grandparents died and he started living alone, and It only became worse when he turned 14 and entered high school, and for the first time in his life, he was faced with bullies...

At first, it was only minor stuff he could ignore such as someone would steal his pencils or something similar... but slowly it turned physical and they started trying to beat him up, but Yuki wasn't scared and retaliated...

Unfortunately, he was physically weaker than the bullies who had no mercy and he got the beating of his life, and while lying on the cold hard floor of the empty classroom, he could only hear one of them say "From this day onward, we will beat you up every time you come to school..." Then he and his friend's faces were plastered with a wicked proud smile as he said "What are you going to do about it?" and they all started laughing loudly at his misery…

And that's when the coldness of his childhood returned and his sanity was pushed to its limits... as for what happened next... well he laid there alone until they left before he did his best to stand up and left the school...

For a week, he didn't go back to school and simply waited for his body to completely recover from the beating he took, and when he completely recovered, he bought a taser and a steel pipe that felt nice on his grip and wasn't too long so that he could put it in his school bag and take it to school with him. But before that, he took out some dark tape and created some sort of handle at one end of the pipe so that his hand doesn't get damaged when he uses it.

Done with his preparation, Yuki decided to take another weak to train how to use the pipe and the taser before he finally went to school and the bunch of bullies immediately noticed his presence as one of them approached him in class and whispered "I thought we warned you not to come..." and Yuki could see the rest of them smirking wickedly and seemingly couldn't wait for the day to end to have their twisted fun...

Unfortunately for them, Yuki felt the same way but a thousand times stronger as his head was consumed with rage as he thought 'I will show you what I can do about it...'

As their last class was over, Yuki pretended that he was about to leave but they suddenly blocked his way and started dragging him forcefully to the same empty classroom...

He put some minor resistance to not raise their suspicion to what he was planning, and once they were all inside and closed the door behind them with a table, one of them spoke, the same person who threatened Yuki before finally spoke "Are you ready to get beaten- why are you smiling?"

A wicked smile was plastered on Yuki's face, one that he didn't even notice was there and with a practiced motion, he retrieved the steel pipe and the taser and beat the living hell out of the four bullies whose courage quickly crumpled after seeing one of them bloodied and paralyzed on the ground from the taser to the point they started pissing their pants, but it wasn't over as he stripped all of them and took pictures of them and said " If I see any of you in school again, I will send these pictures to every single person you know. I will see how you will ever raise your heads in public ever again"

Then, he simply left, leaving behind him pained moans and cries, and that was the last day he saw any of those kids as all of them immediately transferred and no one tried to bully him again as he spread rumors about this incident and the people at school started calling him 'crazy Robin'...

But he learned a valuable lesson from that incident, the weak will always be an easy target. So, with new determination and still in his slightly crazy state, he started training his body regularly and training in various martial arts so that he never ends up in a similar situation ever again, and it worked, although what he didn't realize is that people weren't only afraid of him because he became huge and skilled in fighting but because he seemed crazy...

Especially when another news started spreading that any sparring he has when he's training always turns into a real fight which caused him to be kicked out of many places...

However, no matter how cold a winter can be, it will eventually end and spring would spread its beauty after it, and that's what happened to this crazy chapter of his life as he eventually made some friends that made him a normal human again... although that's another story…

So, those three thugs and the quest reminded him of this dark chapter in his past and he couldn't help but think 'Did the system do this on purpose?'

This doubt kept increasing more and more but he decided to bury it deep down in his heart as he looked at the three thugs looking at him with their smug faces and was ready to give them a beating they will never forget...


If you have any ideas regarding the development of the story or any addition you want to see, Join the Discord server and shower me with your wisdom! The link is in the synopsis.

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