
Dream or Nightmare 1

Warm breeze flowed in the season of summer, a perfect time for a peaceful sleep. A little girl slowly opened her eyes to see the huge trees around her. She laid on the soft, luscious green grass, listening to bees buzzing near. 

Apart from buzzing bees, she heard the vague voices of people. She tried to listen to it carefully but couldn't hear it. She got up and walked towards the sound. 

Her ears perked as she heard someone snarling behind her. She turned around but before she could see it, something pounced on her to attack. 

Evelyn woke up and sat straight on her. Her eyes were wide open in fright. Her breath was heavy and she was covered in sweat. She wiped her forehead and looked at the wall clock. 

It was five in the morning. She sighed in relief. "A nightmare," she murmured in her morning voice. 

As she was already awakened by the nightmare, she decided to memorize the remaining parchments from yesterday. She got up from her bed and decided to take a bath as she felt sticky due to the sweat, before beginning the reading. 

Soon breakfast time arrived and she strolled down towards everyone. She saw her uncle at the breakfast table and greeted him with a huge smile. 

"Eve, started memorizing the council rules?" He asked. 

"Already completed uncle Admiral," she replied with an accomplishment smile.

Her uncle looked at her in amazement. It was just yesterday night the parchments were sent to her by him through a servant. 

"Let me test you," he said, making her nervous. It wasn't that she hadn't prepared, but a sudden questioning session made her anxious. 

"Don't be anxious. It will affect your performance here and even in real life when you face problems," her father encouraged her. She smiled at him and took a deep breath relaxing. 

"What rule will be applicable, when someone from inside the council breaks the rules?" Admiral questioned. 

"Rule number 14" 

"Elaborate the punishments about it."

"As stated in 14P-a, the offender will be given one chance to elucidate themselves and accordingly the punishment will be decided in the presence of at least one head council member from every eight dynasties, or the lord himself.

Punishment varies from a few days suspension to the death penalty, associated with the sin they commit," she answered. 

Her uncle nodded in approval and asked again, "What is Rule number 3 and its significance?" 

She thought for a while about the significance and taking a deep breath, she began answering, "Rule number 3, a rule that states that 'Every council member, head member or a junior, has to follow the proper protocols of investigation. Either it's a small case or big, the protocols are to be followed compulsorily. Breaking them will be penalized, suspended or fired from the council.' Its significance is to maintain discipline among the council members."

"Impressive! You are all good for the council exam. Good luck for it," he appreciated her. 

"Thanks, uncle," she said, smiling brightly. 

"Greetings my Lord, greetings councilman Admiral," Earl came to the breakfast table and bowed to everyone. 

"Morning Earl, how is the training going on?" Admiral asked. 

"It's perfect, sir Admiral," he replied.

"Anything Earl?" Renaud enquired. 

"I was summoned by the princess, my Lord," 

Evelyn choked as soon as she heard those words. She looked at him with wide eyes as it was decided they won't be practising until her tier one exam so she had not called her. Yet he said she summoned him. She looked at her father and tried thinking of any excuses. 

"Going out to meet Bele?" He asked. 

She quickly nodded to what he said as she couldn't find any better reason than this. She wondered why Earl wanted to meet her and hoped everything was better. Stuffing herself quickly she left with Earl in a carriage ridden by him. 

"What happened Earl?" She asked him. 

"Just wait and see," he replied, not disclosing anything to her. 

She looked at him being perplexed but decided to wait. Soon the carriage halted outside of the forest. 

"We decided to stop practising till the first tier right. Why are we here then?" She asked, looking at him in confusion. 

"Just follow me," he said and walked deeper into the forest. Evelyn followed him. 

After a short walk, Earl halted in the middle. 

"Why did you take me-" Her eyes widened in astonishment as Earl moved out of her way, revealing the view in front of her. 

It was an open piece of land covered with various wildflowers and grass, a meadow. Colourful flowers blossomed on the land like colours spattered on the canvas. Scene was mesmerising.    

She walked past him to watch it from near. She closed her eyes to sense the sound and fragrance from the atmosphere. 

"Found the place yesterday while wandering here in the forest."  

She heard Earl speaking. Opening her eyes, she turned around only to see him staring at her already. 

"It's beautiful," she said in a soft voice. 

"Indeed," he said. 

She smiled at him and turned to see the flowers again to appease her eyes. Earl sat down on the grass and saw her wandering around enjoying the place. Soon she came and sat beside him. 

"Thanks, for taking me here," she said. 


They sat quietly enjoying the silence. She took a deep breath inhaling the fragrance, closing her eyes. A man with brown eyes appeared in her mind. She quickly opened her eyes and shook her head, wondering why she was thinking about him suddenly. 

"Can I ask a favour from you, Eve?" She looked and smiled softly implying him to continue. 

"Can we come here often?" He asked again but without waiting for an answer he continued, "It feels relaxing to be here with someone. Open space, green grass, light fragrance everything is good about this place. Would you like to join me, Eve?" He asked, looking at her. 

She nodded and said smiling brightly, "Of course I will." 

Earl returned the smile and laid back on the grass looking at the clouds. She imitated him and once again the silence filled in them as they both enjoyed the view. 

Next chapter