
How Strong Was Her Love

Elijah was freaking out.

"No, no, that's not possible. How do you know that she's her daughter? Who said so? How does Natalie go from being a single woman to a woman with a daughter?! Is this some sort of sick joke or what?!" He was pacing up and down the room, trying to understand this, his brain full of activities. 

"Elijah!" Eric shouted at the top of his voice and then caught him on the shoulder. Grabbing his head in his palms, he ordered him, "Calm down. Take long deep breaths. Yes, just like that." He guided his little brother who wasn't taking the news all too well.

"Now sit and let me explain everything," Eric pushed him back down on his seat, directing him like a child nor did Elijah protest. He was too far gone in his thoughts to object. 

"This is huge, but I want you to control yourself, Elijah, You're a Draven and that's what men in our family do, we stay in control." He psyched him, preparing him for the secrets he was about to release. 

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