
Complete small goals

Half an hour before Hyperion arrived.

Kouro did not fight Mei who was possessed by Herrscher's personality.

Earlier when he rejected 'Mei's' invitation to destroy the world, but asked her to save the world with him.

Kouro was prepared to be rejected by her. But what he didn't expect was for 'Mei' to just stare at him deeply with no intention of killing before letting Mei's original personality take control of the body.

Kouro did not know the reason why Herrscher Mei's personality did not kill him, but he knew that this was not the time to think about it.

Knowing that the Eruption would soon attract the attention of the people concerned. Kouro immediately brought Mei back to Nagazora city after finishing off the Honkai Beast.

Thanks to the lack of conflict with Herrscher Mei, Kouro was able to move back quickly.

When the two of them had returned to Nagazora City, the City had just sounded the alarm.

If they had arrived one step later, the city would have immediately entered a state of martial law and the residents would have been evacuated to safety.

Although Kouro and Mei would not be barred from entering, they would definitely be asked to register their personal information.

If one studied it in depth, they might be able to find some clues.

Mei was no ordinary person who had no knowledge of Honkai.

As the daughter of Raiden Ryoma, although her father deliberately hid many things related to Honkai.

She had known the true history of the world not far from Honkai and Herrscher.

Whether it was the appearance of the first Herrscher in 1952 in Berlin that killed three hundred thousand people or the appearance of the second Herrscher in 2000 that almost destroyed the world.

From this she knew that the 'Herrscher' creature was a truly dangerous creature.

But she did not expect that she would become Herrscher herself. Becoming a creature that poses a threat to human civilization.

Throughout the journey, Mei seemed a little quiet.

Perhaps it was because Kouro woke up her Herrscher personality first that kept Mei's consciousness from falling into a deep sleep.

Mei was able to see things from a perspective similar to that of an observer.

She saw Kouro's incredible battle in finishing off the Honkai Beasts. Seeing 'Mei' nonchalantly talking about destroying the world and also Kouro's invitation to save the world.

Too many things had happened today in such a short time, Mei needed time to digest them slowly.

But because of Kouro's reliability in the face of this series of events, Mei didn't have many doubts about the future.

As long as Kouro was by her side, no matter what difficulties came their way, they could overcome them together.

Right now all Mei cared about was her dangerous Herrscher personality.

After all no matter who it was it would be difficult to accept another personality in their body

Kouro glanced at the dreamy Mei and said seriously.

"You have given me enough trust. Then now it's time for me to work hard. "

He patted his chest before continuing to say in a confident tone.

"Don't worry Mei-senpai, if your Herrscher personality awakens later, I will sell my body to her for the sake of world peace and then wait for you to wake up."

"Where would a boy sell his body to a girl!"

Mei replied to Kouro's half-serious and half-joking words with annoyance.

She then realized certain information in his words, making her body suddenly stiffen.

"Herrscher? You mean that---"

Kouro interrupted her without changing his expression.

"Harbinger of doom, destroyer of worlds, is this what you want to say? Technically you're not the real Herrscher, at least not right now. So calm down."

He calmed Mei down for a few minutes before continuing.

"Earlier, I spoke with your newborn Herrscher Personality and found that she was talking about destroying the world in a confused voice, so her intentions can still be changed."

This was new to Kouro because from what he knew only the first Herrscher was the only one who didn't lose his humanity and destroy the world immediately after awakening.

He then remembered someone and subconsciously said with a small smile.

"Besides, even if you are a True Herrscher, I will fight to bring you back to the right path. Therefore, you don't need to think too much about it. "

Mei blinked a few times before asking with a curious expression.

"You seem to know a lot?"

Seeing this Kouro could only scratch his cheek.

"I know a lot of things that you shouldn't know. I'm currently trying to find a reasonable reason. So please wait patiently."

Kouro told Mei bluntly this time, even if he said the answer later, he could only lie.

In response to this, Mei just looked at Kouro deeply, but soon sighed weakly, she understood that everyone has their own secrets.

"Alright, I won't ask anymore and I'll obey what you said to act as if nothing happened."

After saying that, Mei seemed to put on a worried expression before asking.

"But, if my Herrscher personality suddenly appears, then it's better for me to leave the Senba academy so as not to endanger others."

As expected of Mei, she was a kind-hearted girl who was willing to limit herself for the safety of others.

Hearing her question, Kouro recalled her Herrscher personality before quickly saying.

"Mei-senpai, judging from the problem just now, that won't happen. Your Herrscher personality seems to be affected by some of your emotions. If you have a strong enough desire not to hurt others, it should be harmless."

"...Is that right?" Mei strangely turned red whether from embarrassment or something else.

Kouro did not notice this and looked at her with a thoughtful expression.

"Mei-senpai all you have to do is not worry about possible danger. But believe in yourself just as much as you believe in me."

Although Mei still had many things she wanted to say, she had been brought back to Senba academy by Kouro.

If she wanted to continue to maintain a peaceful life, Mei had to be in the right place at the right time.

At least this time, she had to be seen by her classmates and the teachers at Senba academy to provide an alibi.

Of course, Kouro also had to go, the small-scale Honkai Eruption that occurred in the suburbs of Nagazora should have been noticed by Theresa and she might have sent someone to check it out.

So he immediately returned to his dormitory to dispel suspicions.

Although in truth no one would suspect him since he was an 'ordinary boy'.

After talking for a while to ease Mei's mental state, Kouro finally returned to his dormitory.

This time, though, there was no real super large-scale Honkai Eruption.

Mei's Herrscher personality had awakened and did not destroy the world. But this did not change the fact that the Third Eruption had started secretly.

In the future, peace will not change, but there will be more Honkai Eruptions occurring until it accumulates into a super large-scale Honkai Eruption.

Despite failing to solve Herrscher Mei's personality problem, there are two pieces of good news.

First, Herrscher Mei does not have world destruction as her goal. She seems to have human emotions. At least, she does not intend to harm Kouro.

Secondly, the occurrence of this small-scale eruption will definitely put the St. Freya Academy on alert.

They will probably install more advanced Honkai energy concentration detection devices in Nagazora city. So that if a large-scale Honkai Eruption does occur in the future, it will not be a tragedy.

If there is a similar event, residents can be evacuated in advance.

Kouro's original goal of avoiding a tragedy that claimed many lives had been achieved.

But he was also able to find important information about the system, namely the conditions for leveling up, after all, Kouro's main goal is to become strong.

Since I'm in a good mood today, I'll give you an extra chapter.

The_Hanged_Man1creators' thoughts