
Chapter 28- Nolan – Tender Care Volume 4


I awoke before Addie, the morning after our wedding. Part of me still couldn't believe the events of the previous day, or that we were finally married. 

The procession of events, the way they had unfolded, was not at all how I thought the day would go. I'd gone from being the happiest man alive about to get married, to dying in the street, and then to being saved by Addie. After that, things mostly went according to plan, and I ended the night exactly how I had wanted to. There was no denying that at all. 

Addie had done more for me in the course of those several hours than I could ever have imagined possible. I knew she was powerful, and that she could save my life, but the changes she wrought in me, the difference in who I was now, it was all thanks to her.

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