
Information of the other Universe and way to the Promotion to Eighth Dimension Beings

Sora looked at the Clone's Eyes and knew the Calling was coming From the Second Martial Soul.

From Looking at the Second Martial Sora and it's Destiny in the Future Sora was Shocked.

Sora had already made plans to reach the Seventh Dimension Being.

But He was still thinking about how to become an Eighth Dimension Being .

Because When you become a Seventh Dimension Being. 

You need to Create an Inner World.

With A Law that could fill the Inner World with Power constantly.

But when you Break through the Seventh dimension being. This Concept and Law will Evolve and turn into a World.

And when the Concept Evolution to World takes Place it would be more than thousands of years to succeed.

Not only for the World to Form but when it does.

The Word has  to Fuse with the  Top Level Universe Which has Potential to make at Least one Ninth Dimension Being.

By doing this they would be Bound to the Universe.

And would have to Protect the Universe from Dangerous from within and outside the Universe.

And with the Memories of the Dragon God Sora knew that Most of the Seventh Dimension Beings in that Universe .

Make the World with the Law of Faith and Fuse it into the Universe 


And that Being a Top Level Universe The Beings there  that Fuse to Protect the Universe and at the same time compete for the Universe.

After the World is Fused with the Law of Faith. They would begin with the long Process of Collecting Faith which is the best way for them to go from Seventh Dimension Being Early Stage to Seven Dimension Being Peak Stage.

After the World of Faith fused with the Top level Universe.

They open Another World with the Law they have the Most Talent with and fuse it with the Universe.

And Very Talented Individuals would open more then One World Law Concept and Fuse in with the Top Level Universe.

The Top Level Universe has its Laws and Concept.

So it can Govern the Universe by these Laws.

For example when a Seventh Dimension Being with the Talent of Destruction Fused with his World of Destruction To the Law of Destruction of the Universe.

He would have a better Understanding of the Destruction that was formed with a Top Level Universe.

And there would be more than One Seventh Dimension Being with the Talent of the Same Law and Concept.

So they too Fuse with the same World in the Law of the Universe. And by doing this they start to Compete with each other to see who has the most understanding of the law.

The Person with the Most Understanding would have control of that Law in the Top Level Universe.

And having Enough Faith Power in One World and having the other World have with the most or All the Control of a Certain Law of theTop level Universe.

By doing these two steps is the only way they have found to go From Seventh Dimension Being to the Peak of Seventh dimension being and If they completely master a Certain Law in the Top Level Universe and Fuse it with the World Completely.

Have enough Faith they could promote to the Eighth Dimension Being.

So the Seventh dimension being's in the universe All compete with each other for the the amount of Faith and Control over the Same Law of the Universe.

And it's a long process to Collect Faith and Control over the law. It may take billions of years.

So the Seventh dimension beings Rarely Fight to Death. 

Unless they have a feud that would affect their future.

There are some Seventh dimension beings who find other ways to promote themselves Other than the power of Faith.

But it's rare and not in line with that Top Universe Universe .

So nobody really knows if it's feasible and would there be a potential to use other methods to Promote themselves from Seventh Dimension Being to Eighth Dimension Being.

But most of the Seventh Dimension beings have a certain understanding and that is their Hate and Helplessness and hope in the few Eighth Dimension Beings.

They hate them because  once the Eighth Dimension Being Transcends to the Ninth Dimension, The Entire Top level Universe would be Refined during that process.

By doing so all the Seventh Dimension Beings who have Fused with the law of the Universe would be cut off and they would fall back to the Early Stage of Seventh Dimension Beings.

And all their work for Billions of Years would be wasted.

And to find another Top Level Universe is close to impossible if they don't have the space coordinates.

So the Eighth Dimension Beings are like Time Bombs which would blow itself up at a certain time.

But that time would take more than the billions of years that the Seventh Dimension Beings need to go from Seventh Dimension Being to Eighth Dimension Beings.

So most of Seventh Dimension Beings with Talent and beliefs in themselves would think.

They would be Eighth Dimension Beings before the Eighth Dimension Being Promotion to Ninth Dimension Being and fight for the Only Ninth Dimension Promotion option in that Top Level Universe.

And the few Seventh Dimension Being have hope for the Few Eighth Dimension Beings 

Because the Eighth Dimension Beings Guard the Universe from invasion of the Other Eighth Dimension Beings and Seventh Dimension Beings.

So the Seventh Dimension Beings hope for the Eighth Dimension Beings to Guard the Universe Until they themselves Promote to the Eighth Dimension Being.

And the Helpless being sometimes the Eighth Dimension Beings  just don't care if a Seventh Dimension Being of the other Universe comes in.

As long as they don't do something Harmful to the Entire Universe the Eighth Dimension Beings don't really care .

For them Seventh Dimension Beings are really weak and can be Killed with a thought.

So the Seventh Dimension Beings don't know when another Seventh Dimension Beings from other Universe's would come to their Universe and join forces with some Radical Seventh Dimension Beings in this universe and plan some sinister conspiracy.

After understanding the Memories of the Dragon God Sora understood how competitive and Dangerous that universe is .

So Sore was making many plans for himself about how to make a world before going there.

And now watching the Second Martial Soul Sora Couldn't help but smile with excitement .

Because it would ...


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