
Made To Be His: Chapter 8


My heart pounded like a thunderstorm in my ears. The man from before…? The hulking beast of a man with the slate grey eyes and dark complexion, was he really here just moments ago?

Hesitantly, I dropped down from the bed and tip-toed to the table by the door. Resting there was a bowl of scrambled eggs with a variety of colors mixed in, a glass of orange juice, and a banana. I licked my lips as I stared at it. Was this for me? He told me to eat, but why would he be the one to bring it? Where was Conri? Or Lupa?

I had hoped to never see him again, especially after what happened days before. The way he grabbed me with a fierce look of hunger while groping himself… A shiver ran down my spine.

I shouldn't eat it, I decided. With one last desperate look at it, I shook my head and tucked my legs under myself as I settled into the plush chair by the window.

I stared out, watching the way the clouds drifted across the vibrant blue sky, but I couldn't shake away the thoughts of that man. He didn't touch me this time, but he didn't have to for me to feel the possessive aura he gave off. My heart raced and my hands trembled with just the memory. Something in my belly stirred, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake it.

"Hello Dot."

My head shot up as Conri entered. I instantly relaxed when I realized it was him. So far, he'd only been nice to me, and not the kind of nice like the way the caretakers acted when they wanted something, but actually nice.

"Hi." I muttered, but kept my gaze out the window.

"Eat today?" He asked, picking up the dishes by the door and bringing them to me. He pushed the short coffee table to me and placed the food in front of me.

I looked at him with an incredulous brow. Did he really expect me to eat anything from that volatile man?

"It's good." The amused look on his face made me soften. If he trusted it, then I had no reason not to.

I unfolded myself and picked up the fork to poke at the food. I recognized tiny bits of vegetables amongst the scrambled eggs with a frown. I wasn't a fan of vegetables, but maybe I could pick through.

Conri chuckled as he watched me, making my tail swish in agitation. However, as soon as I tasted the ham, I cooed appreciatively.

"How do you feel?" He asked, just like every other day until I finally understood the meaning.

"Good." I murmured. If I knew the words I would have told him more. Bored, annoyed, restless. I didn't want to go home to the sterile white walls and cold caretakers, but staying another minute in this room was killing me.

Once I scarfed down the eggs, leaving the vegetables in a neat little pile, I leaned back and narrowed my eyes at the other man. Hesitantly, I pointed out the window. "Omegas?"

Conri scratched his chin with a thoughtful look on his face. "The other Omegas are here. Safe."

I nodded my head and furrowed my brows. Where were they being kept? Were they being treated as well as me? Were they being given new clothes everyday, a toilet, food?

"Omegas eat? Sleep?" I questioned further. I wish I knew the words.

"Yes," he smiled, but I couldn't understand the next string of words that left his mouth. I chewed on my lip.

It was silent for a while, but I had another question itching to be asked. "Alpha?"

He stared at me with a blank look before responding. "No…? I'm an Omega too."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "No. Alpha…" I looked around. An idea sprang to mind when I spotted the banana. I snatched it up and held it in an upright position above my lap, the way the man held himself when I first met him, and repeated, "bad alpha."

A slow smile crept over Conri's face before raucous laughter escaped his mouth and he threw his head back. He held his belly as his body shook.

I growled lowly and looked at him with slotted eyes. After he regained his composure and wiped the tears from his eyes, he finally spoke. "His name is Flint."

I let out a hum that hopefully sounded like a question to urge him for more information.

"Flint." He said again. "He uhhh…" he rubbed the back of his neck and looked to the ceiling as if the words were painted there. "You and he, uh. Flint and you… Flint and Dot…" he trailed off, but clasped his hands in front of himself like he was holding hands with someone.

I tilted my head to the side. I didn't want to hold that man's hand?

"No." I pursed my lips with a deep furrow in my brow.

Conri scratched at his chin again and pushed his glasses further up his nose. "Flint is your mate. Flint and Dot, mates."

I widened my eyes. Was this what my caretakers were talking about when they showed us all that strange video? This devil man was the man who I belonged to now? Was this why I was there? I'd finally been given away?

My face darkened. The caretakers showed us a video of what our new responsibilities would include, and none of them sat well in my stomach. No way was I going to submit to one of these people, these "daddies" as the caretakers called them.

"No!" I shouted with a hissing snarl. "No!"

Conri backed up with an alarmed expression. "Okay!" He exclaimed, hands up defensively. "Okay. You're okay." He soothed.

My tailed lashed wildly as I bared my teeth at him. A growl from deep in my belly reverberated in my throat.

"Okay." He said one last time as he continued to back up. "Just rest now."

Swiftly, he slipped through the door and left me by myself.

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