

Olivia was scared. She did not like the smell of the dirty roads, the rising sounds as they approached the start of the alleys. She had never walked freely into the city like this, dressed in a man's clothes that were too big for her. Ash was walking in front of her, his face stern as he witnessed everything he had left back a while ago. 

Now he was clean, strong and dressed with clothes from the palace. He wasn't starving, on the contrary he could eat as much as he wanted until he was full and no one would tell him anything. He didn't have to plead or share, all he had to was ask. 

The young pureblood walked silently, rushing slightly to get next to him. She observed his expression. He didn't seem to like this place either, a subtle crease between his eyebrows was the only faint clue that inside him there was a war happening. 

"We don't have to  go if you don't want to." Olivia mumbled, thinking of how he would feel.

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