

[Catherine's POV]

"I heard it was a rare disease, and Marquees Jorge caught it too."

"Poor Duke. He had to cremate his daughter and son-in-law as per the Churches' orders to prevent the disease from spreading."

"Lady Catherine's ashes were scattered beside her mother's tomb while his husband was sent to his house. I heard it was a private affair."

"Duke Venezia also came too late."

*Murmurs . . .

*Murmurs . . .

"How are you holding, my friend?" Duke Venezia asked. His thick golden hair had strakes of white while his face aged like the finest wine.

In contrast, Duke Hamill looked twice his age. His shoulders hunched, decreasing his already small height. He cut a Tabaco on his table and lighted a match. He took one long drag and blew the smoke in his study.

"*sigh . . . To tell you the truth. If Benjamin isn't here, I might join Catherine too."

Duke Venezia's cane hit the floor. "What nonsense. If I came just a little early . . ."

"You could have done nothing . . . It wasn't yours nor the Church's fault."

Before Duke Hamill could declare Catherine dead, there should be an emissary of the Church present to inspect the corpse, ensuring that there weren't any bite marks or anomalies on the dead.

Trinity already considered that and had someone else's corpse take Lady Catherine's while the latter was hiding somewhere safe in the Duke's estate as the funeral progressed.

"The church," Duke Venezia sneered, "they couldn't even cure a disease, and yet they're spouting miracles to line their pockets with gils."

"Hush, my friend. The walls have ears."

"Let them hear it. I am not afraid of them." Duke Venezia scowled. "The Saintess doesn't even come out from the temple in years now."

Duke Hamill slumped on his chair. "And the Prince? What does he have to say about his sister not appearing in public?"

"Step-sister. And they don't get along. Crown Prince Zen could barely gain his control from the Church's hold."

"Is that why you'll marry your daughter to him? So he could have power?"

Duke Venezia nodded. "If we let the Church run rampant, this Kingdom is dead for sure. We are rallying behind the Prince's back to get some powers back to the Kingdom, and you should join us, my friend."

". . ." Duke Hamill was silent. "I will think about it."

"Of course. Take all the time you need and mourn for your daughter first. The Prince sent his condolences as well. He regretted that he couldn't come to your daughter's funeral."

"It's fine. My daughter's passing was sudden, and the Crown Prince is thousands of kilometers away. But I will send him a letter for the gifts."

Duke Venezia nodded, and he rose from his chair. "I will let you be alone to mourn. But I hope to see you at our town's festival next month."

Duke Hamill offered a small smile. "I'll think about it. There's a lot of things for me to do that were left undone when my daughter was sick."

"Like the increase of vampires and rogues in our borders?"

Duke Hamill didn't say anything.

"Honestly, it's supposed to be the church's job to exterminate those creatures, but since they're busy lining their pockets, it's up to us to protect our citizens." Duke Venezia sighed. "They're using the non-humans to instill fear in the people so they'd be more dependent on the Church. Thank goodness that the Kingdom establish the hunter's association. That at least put the masses' trust back into the crown."

". . ."

"I will take my leave now, my friend. I'm sorry that my visit was short."

Duke Hamill took to his feet and led Duke Venezia into the door. "With the spring festival nearing, I could only imagine how busy you are, and yet you've still come all the way here. Thank you."

"No problem. We're not strangers." Duke Venezia took his hat and coat from the stand before his eyes shifted behind the floor-to-ceiling windows draped in thick curtains. He thought he saw a silhouette there for a moment.

"Anyway, I must be going. If there's anything you want, don't hesitate to ask my help." Duke Venezia squeezed Duke Hamill's shoulders and left.

Duke Hamill then locked the door and heaved a heavy sigh. He spun and came face to face with his sofa in front of the fireplace and was startled to find a handsome young man perched on its leather fabric.

His beads of golden hair were tied neatly on one side of his shoulder. He was downed in the best quality materials from his vest, coat, and pants. The cufflinks, brooches, and heirloom rings could only mean luxury that even the Duke couldn't contend while the young man was sporting a kind look with a pair of golden eyes.


And when he spoke, his voice was clear and deep, but the commanding tone couldn't be denied.

"I'm here to take Catherine."

Will Catherine go with him? ^^

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