

Steve Clayton was dumbfounded. He wouldn't have ever imagined he would be threatened in his own house by a future son-in-law.

However, he didn't know what to reply. If Grace was there, she would have flooded Nate with words until the latter's head started spinning. But Steve was different.

«Sit down,» he invited them. «I'm not sure what you are talking about.»

«You told the press about my pregnancy,» Lara spat out, annoyed by her father's calm demeanour. He wouldn't be nervous even if the world was collapsing.

Once, she thought it was a sign of his strength. But, with time, she had started realising he was actually a coward. And that he didn't care as much as he would say he did.

«The one you gave me money to interrupt, do you remember it?» she added with a disgusted grimace. «But I didn't do it. I kept the child, and then I gave birth to twins.»

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