
Full of ideas

«Will Scarlet be the Alpha?» Jaden asked.

«I don't know.» There it was, first time. Nate knew less than he wanted to admit, but he couldn't lie to his son about it.

«But Scarlet is Alpha and I am not.»

«Who said so?»

Jaden shrugged. He wasn't sure who said it, but he wasn't like his sister. She would get everyone do what she wanted, and that was Alpha's job.

Also, there was something else that made him think that way.

«Scarlet resembles aunty Sam, and aunty is an Alpha.»

«That's right,» Nate confirmed.

«But I don't resemble aunty.»

«Oh, but you resemble me. I was like you when I was little.»


«Yes. Don't you believe me anymore?»

«But... Oh, grandma said so once. She said also that I'll become like you when I grow up. Does it mean I'll become the Alpha?»

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