
Daddy is broken

It had been peaceful in the beginning. Scarlet had started tearing the pages apart to collect only those with her mommy or Nate.

It wasn't that difficult, and she was growing her collection pretty fast. At that rate, she was going to be done soon.

She had left Nate's article for last. It was the easiest because it was the first page. She could do it later, when she was tired or bored. Also, her mommy had priority.

When she finally needed only the last effort, she started tearing the page. But then, her fingers slipped, and Nate's picture was cut in half.

«Oh, no, daddy!» she complained, trying to put it back together. Yet, it stood separated. «Oh, no!»

She started sobbing just like Jaden a few minutes before, and she felt Nate's presence by her side a few seconds later.

«What's the matter?»

«Daddy is broken,» she whined. «Look!»

«I'm not broken. And that's just a picture. We can look for another newspaper at the company tomorrow.»

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