

Renato rang the bell of his parents' house after a month of absence.

He did feel a little guilty for avoiding them, but he had his reasons. Revealing his affair with Samantha even to them was too difficult for him, especially after she one-sidedly decided to stop it.

To his surprise, it wasn't his mother who opened the door. It was Amanda.

«Hey,» he greeted her, but he didn't have time to add anything else.

«Welcome home, Renato. We've been worrying about you... Were you kidnapped by a big bad wolf and couldn't come home to greet your family?»

«No big bad wolf,» he sighed. «I was just busy...»

«Busy doing what?»

She dragged him inside by the wrist, marching towards the living room without a break to peek inside the kitchen. He hated that: he was curious to find out what his mother had prepared!

«Busy doing business.»

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