
Chapter 287 Small Talk

Jack woke up with a yawn as he removed the covers off his body, unlike previously, his body was now in pristine condition, his reserves were back to full and he was feeling better than ever as he couldn't help but stand up and see his body for any injuries, both internal and external

*partner, your body is beyond healthy, it is in peak performance at the moment, and you have grown very strong since your last fight.*

The booming voice of Ddraig brought Jack out of his worries as he couldn't help but Flex a little in front of the mirror.


"Son! You are home!" at this moment, Martha opens the door to discover that her son has returned.

She is usually unaware of what her son is up to, but knowing that he is a hero that is responsible for saving the world..doesn't make it easier for her at all, no matter how strong and powerful he becomes, at the end of the day, to her, he is still a kid.

"Yeah mom, I arrived late night , I didn't want to disturb you as you were sleeping " Jack answered.

"Don't be like that, you know I will always have time for you" Martha answered as she looked at her sons eyes, The bright red color was beautiful and complimented his silver hairs that had streaks of red in them .

She felt sad, sad that she had not been able to figure out her sons worries even with all the hints right in front of her.

'Have I been a bad mother' she asked herself.

Her thoughts didn't go unnoticed by Jack who was sensitive to people and their emotions due to the amount of skills he had.

He reckoned he had skills for nearly every situation at this point .

He held his mothers hands and assured her that he was alright, Martha wiped the small tears from her eyes before she proceeded to smack Jack.

"Look at you trying to be all grown up, come downstairs for breakfast in a bit, and your 'friend' came to visit yesterday" Martha said as she gave him a knowing look

Jack could only sigh at her words, he onew what she was implying, his weird love with Jean was not hidden from his mother, partly because his band of friends couldn't keep their mouths shut

'She is gonna keep bothering me isn't she!' Jack sighed as he changed his clothes after washing his face and cleaning his teeth.

Making his way down the stairs , he was met with the smell of bacon and eggs cooked by his mother.

'Nothing beats the food at home...unless it's pizza of course ' Jack couldn't help but chuckle at his own thoughts, he even introduced the godly dish to the people of Suran.

'I still remember the face they made when they tried it for the first time' Jack thought as he tool a bite, savoring the taste as he did so.

His mother also ate as she kept looking at him, Jack also noticed it," whats the matter? Mother" Jack asked.

"Nothing, I was just thinking how you looked so much like your father" His mother replied.Jack couldn't help but chuckle, of he looked like his father.

Jack had done a background check on his father considering how much of a cliche his life had been, it wouldnt be a surprise is some day his father suddenly rose from the dead and came to take him to his realm like some cliche story

'Yeah right' Jack scoffed.his father was a simple man, working as the chief scientist of Oscorp before he met his death due to an accident down the road.

'Though it would not hurt to talk to the man, I wonder..' Jack thought.

Although he had the power to bring people back to life, he didn't want to mess with Death too much lest he attracts Lafy Death to his door.

'A puny Ego nearly killed me, I am not gonna do such a thing unless I am at least capable of killing a celestial with a single blow, which is a long way to go ' Jack thought.

"Haha, I guess I do mother, you never told me much about him, though I was curious so I investigated him myself" Jack replied causing his mother to go stiff.

"Huh! When did you do that?" she asked, Jack replied

"Hmm, about three years ago, why?"

"Nothing, so! What did you find ?"

Martha asked as she took the empty plates over to the dishwasher , her back facing Jack who was busy drinking milk like a good boy

"Nothing much, Just that he was working for Oscorp, that he was a chief scientist working with you, that he met an accident and died" Javk replied.

Unknowingly Martha heaved a sigh of relief that went unnoticed by Jack who was busy looking at his phone.

"Is that so..leaving that aside..what do you think about your studies, I heard you mentioning that Oxford university is willing to give you any degree you want as long as you pass a few tests" Martha asked.

She was sure Jack could pass any test as evidenced by the company she was under, owned by her son, and not to mention how he had made the solution to several diseases.

The various health organizations were in flames ever since Jack started dropping vaccines like raindrops on heavy rain.

"Hmmm, I don't know, it's not like I will starve to death if I don't get a degree, my career path is a bit weird if you get what I am saying" Jack replied as he smiled awkwardly.


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A/N:- I love you guys <3

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