

The Legend Jars also know as the prince of death everyone around him dies due to the concept of death flowing him around everywhere he goes killing anything around him conceptually. His mother his father everyone in the same universe died in -0 seconds when he was born and he was raised by the concept. He was taught how to maipulate metaphysical concepts laws and principles. He is beyond the concept of speed and distance from the training he's most likely going to be omnipotent or beyond omnipotent due to his potentional. No i already am and now your dead its time for you to get erased instead of governing my multiverse he cracked the street in -0 and erased him on a conceptual level. Jars was already dead no actually he exist between existence and non existence he's a god. Lately nothing been able to harm me i created a barrier that block out every and any type of attack conceptual erasure death life absolute metaphsyical they all gets blocked blocked out and i learned how to manipulate pataphysics maybe i really am a god

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