
A mixbreed!


But all my hopes were broken when I found out that he was your mate!

I mean.. What the hell.. Do you want me to accept that you are the mate of my both kids!"

The glass the lady had just filled was thrown on the floor with a sharp sound of "clank"

Its shards were scattered all over the place almost hitting everything in the process.

She raised her head and glared hard at Hazel with eyes filled with bloodlust.

"So.. I can not control myself anymore and I have come here to ask for an explanation! 

So, before I really kill you. Tell me.. What black magic had you done to take control of my both kids so much that they have not only forgotten about their mother but even about their pack while playing revenge revenge with you. Huh?"  her nails had already grown up and her teeth were coming out of her mouth bare.

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