
Picking a Fight with the Popular Guys

Sarah can't help but regard Lady in confusion – and maybe, a bit of concern. 

She isn't saying anything. She doesn't even look mad.

She does appear to be bothered and annoyed as Orion and Glenn continue acting like the insensitive jerks they are – but that's it. She merely keeps quiet the entire time.

Knowing her, she would've already had an outburst by then. She doesn't even hesitate to fight with her, but now that their positions have been switched, she can't even utter a word to defend herself – or maybe, she just doesn't want to. 

"Don't think you can act all mighty just because you're a CEO's daughter," Glenn snarled, tone dripping with scorn and repulsion.

"You have to learn how to treat others with respect regardless of their social status, Ms. Mireille," Orion muttered, cold and steely.

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