
How Not to Be Popular Among Kids

Lady refuses to let it end here.

She had been through tougher, deadlier things than this – like getting chased by a kidnapper, hiding in the back of the car for hours, and constantly being the receiving end of her father's death glare. Compared to those, this is nothing at all. Having that said, there is still hope.

'I won't give up! I won't!'

The ball still hasn't landed on the ground, anyway. These chubby legs of hers – for once, they shall prove her and everyone there that they're not only for show.

With a strong, powerful step, Lady kicks the dirt on the ground and dashes towards the ball. 

'This isn't enough, I need to jump!'

Right then, she felt something solid and round reach her arms. She got it – she got the ball. Based on the rules, if someone is hit, they are saved so long as their own team gets the ball while still in the air. Fortunately, her team members were able to explain that part to her earlier. 

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