

Leo sighed upon making his last remark as he started burying the bodies.

Once the hole was filled Leo headed back inside.

He didn't give them any kind of prayer, the insurgency members knew all too well what kind of path they chose to walk.

Burials were rare and a luxury for those who died in this kind of profession.

When Leo got back inside he sat down on the couch and started thinking about his next move.

For now he would wait until Valentina would return for him and head out with her and do whatever she had planned.

Afterward he would reunite with his affiliates and reestablish connections.

Then he would attempt to get his own group of interest started.

It would have similar goals as the insurgency but there was one major difference.

Leo would be in full control.

Even now that he was part of the insurgency he was being controlled, something he didn't like.

However, it was a necessary evil.

Leo wondered what Noah was up to since he surely went in hiding for a while.

Leo also thought about the fact that he now was a high-profile target of the foundation and that they probably would be relocating a lot of resources in order to simply track down Leo.

Although he had the insurgency backing him up, he would still have to be way more careful than he originally was.

The reason he originally got captured was due to him not being careful enough as he already had a bad feeling about the mission he was sent on.

Over the next three days, Leo simply lived his life in the cabin, waiting for something interesting to happen.

Leo noticed that if he was alone for prolonged periods of time he would start thinking about the things he had done, getting him slightly depressed.

However, he mostly tried ignoring it since he would only go further down the rabbit hole if he thought about it too much.

On the third day Leo heard a car approaching the cabin and went outside.

He saw a towtruck arriving along with a black SUV following it.

Both vehicles stopped and a guy got out of the black SUV meanwhile the person in the towtruck didn't.

Leo was looking out of the window and was slightly wary of the two.

The man who stepped out of the SUV approached the cabin and right as he was about to knock on the door Leo opened the door.

The man was slightly startled when Leo yanked the door open and made sure that his M1911 was visible that he still had from Valentina.

"Get in." said Leo in a simple tone.

The man obeyed, fearing his life if he didn't comply.

Leo also noticed that the man was scared and commandeered him to put his gun on the table once he was led into the main room.

"Who are you?" asked Leo.

"Miss Valentina sent me, she said that I had to deliver two people here along with sending someone to tow a car." said the man as sweat dripped from his face.

Leo put his gun away.

"Ah, right. She mentioned that someone would come sooner or later this week. Tell the guy to tow the car away and bring the two people inside the cabin."

The man obeyed and quickly left the cabin, silently cursing his existence.

"Why does Valentina always have to pick up the insane ones?" thought the man as he opened the trunk of his SUV.

Two people were in the trunk, both unconscious.

Leo observed from the window and saw the man struggling to pick them up so he went outside to help him.

He picked up the female body and brought her inside, putting her down on the couch next to the man.

Leo took a breather before speaking to the man that brought them here.

"You sure these two are John and Jane doe's?" asked Leo.

The man nodded before speaking.

"Yeah, 100%. Valentina would execute us if we didn't so we even fucking triple-checked."

Leo was satisfied with the answer and sent the man off to help tow the car and turned around to the man and woman on the couch.

"Alright, time to get started."
