
Not your typical speedboat

Leo casually walked out of the conference room and headed towards the city.

Once he was a decent while away from HQ he took out his phone.

This time he chose not to throw it away yet since he still expected a call from Noah, but he was taking the initiative.

He quickly dialed the private number and it practically connected instantly.

"This is mortuis luna. I have permission to leave HQ. Have you heard anything from your client?"

"I actually have, the deal will be taking place tomorrow in the evening, I will be arriving in Poland myself today. You practically have two days to get here."

"I assume Alyona will come pick me up?"

"You are correct, but no helicopters or planes are available at the current moment."

Leo had a bad feeling about this.

"And what are you trying to say with that?"

"Alyona will be picking you up by boat, speedboat to be exact since we can't lose any time. It's gonna be a long and bumpy ride so I hope you slept well."

"Noah, I literally haven't slept at all."


Silence remained for a second before Noah continued.

"Anyways, I assume that you will be bringing some "toys" with you so a commercial airline wasn't an option. Alyona will be ready in about five hours to depart, I will send you the GPS coordinates to the shipyard soon, make sure to be there on time. Also, how long did you get a vacation for?"

"One week starting tomorrow, but leaving today would probably not matter as much."

"Alright, I recommend that you pack your shit now and take a quick nap since I don't think you will be able to sleep on that damned boat. If all goes well I will see you tonight."

"Alright, thanks."

Leo ended the call and sighed.

He hoped to be transported by helicopter but there was no room for such luxury.

He headed back to HQ and started packing his bag.

He made sure to bring enough casual clothing since walking around in a cloak would be pretty unusual. He also packed his MAC-10 and sickle along with enough ammo. Furthermore, he didn't really need anything.

He set an alarm for four and a half hours and headed to bed right as his teammates started waking up.

This time he fell asleep rather quickly, it was probably due to him having found something to look forward to.

When Leo woke up he quickly got dressed and checked his messages.

There was one message, its sender was unknown.

The message contained a set of longitude and latitude coordinates, when Leo converted them they led to a small abandoned harbor.

He quickly packed his bag with some necessities, his MAC-10, clothing, money and some other things.

The harbor was not all too far away from Leo's current location so he just took a cab to it.

The cab driver was quite wary of Leo, it wasn't usual for someone to take a cab to the middle of nowhere.

Nevertheless, the cab driver agreed as Leo was paying quite a hefty sum.

Leo arrived at the harbor with five minutes to spare and quickly paid the cab driver his money.

He walked into the harbor and skimmed the edge of the water, looking for an orange speedboat.

There were a lot of old decaying boats in the harbor, but one boat caught Leo's eyes.

it was a streamlined boat with navy camouflage on it.

As Leo approached he could see a familiar figure sitting on top of the vehicle.

The figure waved at Leo and Leo waved back.

"Alyona! Long time no see."

"Indeed sir Leo, are you ready to depart?"

"Yes, I am. But I did not expect this, Noah said that we would be using a speedboat."

"What did you expect then, sir Leo?"

"I expected a typical orange speedboat or something, like the kind you would have when you go on vacation."

"Such speedboat would not be suitable for our journey, this is the XSR interceptor, sir Noah managed to buy it off a corrupt military major general, however sir Noah does not like using it since it is too bumpy.

"Ah, I see. Let's get going then."

Leo entered the boat and sat down in one of the four seats and strapped himself in.

The inside was quite claustrophobic, you could barely move an inch once you were strapped in.

There was a headset in the speedboat so that Leo could communicate with Alyona, the engine would make too much noise to properly communicate.

After a while, a voice was heard on the intercom.

"This is Alyona, we are ready for departure."

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