
Chapter 2444 Do I Want To Be Great Dream?

On the very top of a mountainous range,

Two silhouettes could be seen, one older male, and one female.

Who else could it have been but Feng Jiu Ge and Feng Jin Huang?

Feng Jiu Ge's eyes were shrouded in pure darkness:

"Is this your Destiny?" Feng Jiu Ge said as his eyes returned to their normal colour.

Feng Jin Huang stood still: "Yes and no."

She held up a pink orb the size of a bowling ball.

Feng Jiu Ge stared at the orb in awe: "The memories and attainments of the Future Great Dream Immortal Venerable…"

"Not quite," Feng Jin Huang corrected him: "It is some of the memories and attainments of Great Dream Immortal Venerable."

During her talk with Red Lotus, she found out many secrets about the current state of the Gu World.

She also learned of the existence of Rank 9 Hope Gu and that the Future Great Dream Immortal left her something as well.

"Fang Yuan will destroy the world."

That was the first line that greeted her when Feng Jin Huang entered the Dream Realm.

Feng Jin Huang immediately left the Dream Realm after that and kept it with her, debating if she should explore it further.

Just that sentence alone changed her profoundly.

It wasn't something as simple as just a 'sentence' it conveyed a sense of dread and emotion that made Feng Jin Huang feel as if she had lived through the death of countless loved ones.

She felt the immense grief and despair of those words as if they were written in blood!

"Father, I can already feel that I've lost what little innocence I had in my heart, what if I lose more than that?" Feng Jin Huang was facing the direction of the sunset as she talked to Feng Jiu Ge.

Although he couldn't see her face, although she held back, Feng Jiu Ge could feel his daughter's heartbreak.

This may be the very last time Feng Jin Huang could be herself.

Feng Jiu Ge vanished.

He appeared in Heavenly Court, the 3 Venerables immediately noticed and lock eyes on him:

"Feng Jiu Ge! What is the meaning of this?" Genesis Lotus was the first to arrive: "Do you think after betraying Heavenly Court you can just come and go as you please."

Genesis Lotus activated an Immortal Killer Move that bound Feng Jiu Ge, he did not resist.

Before the move could hit:

"Wait." Star Constellation called out, but Red Lotus acted and stopped Genesis Lotus's Killer Move.

Genesis Lotus halted further action as well, he wanted to see why Red Lotus and Star Constellation would defend Feng Jiu Ge: "Either way, it's not possible for him to escape with 3 Venerables watching."

Feng Jiu Ge turned to Star Constellation, "Thank you for taking care of Bai Qing, I will take her now."

"How insolent you…" Star Constellation held out her hand to stop Genesis: "Is it for Feng Jin Huang." She asked.

He nodded.

Star Constellation quickly put Fairy Bai Qing to sleep and brought her out of her aperture: "You have a lot of explaining to do, I suggest you do it away from Feng Jin Huang." Star Constellation waved her hand.

A cave was carved into one of the mountains nearby, "You can use that to resolve your 'familial' disputes."

Feng Jiu Ge nodded and gave his thanks, then he and Fairy Bai Qing vanished.

"This!" Genesis Lotus exclaimed: "Where did he go?"

"How fascinating the Dao of Destiny is truly something…" Star Constellation pinched the air to deduce: "He still doesn't trust us."

"But how did he get away so easily?" Genesis Lotus asked.

"It was me, I weakened Space so that he could leave," Red Lotus explained.

"You let him go??" Genesis Lotus was aggrieved: "Argh, we should have detained him here, why did you go so easy on him, he has the whereabouts of Feng Jin Huang, Great Dream Immortal Venerable. Isn't she important to our cause?"

Red Lotus shook his head: "It's better this way, the fact that Feng Jiu Ge still went to reconcile with Fairy Bai means that Feng Jin Huang is hesitant about absorbing Great Dream Immortal's Dream Realm. I can't blame her."

Red Lotus had seen how her disposition took a complete 180, just after spending a short time within that Dream Realm.

Star Constellation agreed: "Let them resolve their family issue, we shan't interfere."

Helpless, Genesis Lotus returned to his task.

Red Lotus and Star Constellation returned as well, there were far more pressing matters to attend to, they decided to let Great Dream Immortal Venerable sort herself out.

Either way, they were placing most of their hope onto Ma Hong Yun, Great Dream was just a bonus.

Red Lotus sighed: "To think the effects would have been this bad, but there was no choice, Fang Yuan is the only one who could destroy Fate, I hope it's not too late."

Feng Jiu Ge reappeared away from Heavenly Court, somewhere in the Southern Border: "It's a good thing they let me leave."

With 3 venerables present Feng Jiu Ge was not confident in being able to leave, "I'll have to thank Red Lotus."

Since Red Lotus helped him leave by weakening the strength of Space around him.

This allowed Feng Jiu Ge to focus on covering his trail with the power of Destiny.

Destiny held the essence of both Luck Path and Wisdom Path.

Thus, it allowed it to easily mess with deductions, even Star Constellation's deductions!

Though with enough effort Star Constellation would be able to see through it, after all, Feng Jiu Ge was only a Rank 8, no matter how strong a Quasi-Venerable was, it was still Rank 8.

Fairy Bai Qing slowly came around, she glanced at her surroundings noticing a man sitting near her but as soon as she realized who it was:

"Feng Jiu Ge!" she began hitting his chest: "You! How could you! I loved you! What about our daughter? What about our happiness? Did you consider those things? No. Knowing you. You did but you still made your choice…"

Feng Jiu Ge took it all without saying anything.

At this point, right and wrong no longer mattered.

One could argue that Feng Jiu Ge being true to himself was right and that if he denied he would be in the wrong.

But another could argue that leaving his family behind was disgraceful and was the wrong thing to do, that although he lived for himself, the moment he started a family he had to live for them, this was because he chose to have a child, thus, it's his responsibility to raise and protect his child.

However, none of these arguments mattered to Feng Jiu Ge.

He knew what his heart wanted to do, and that was enough.

Did he consider if his actions would negatively impact his family; of course!

Did he still choose his heart over their well-being; indeed!

But did he renounce and sever ties with them?

Did he still love them?

Of course!

"Bai Hua," Feng Jiu Ge called Bai Qing by the pet names they used for one another.

Bai Qing was stunned to hear that name, it had seemed so long, she stood motionless, whispering with tears:

"That's not fair…" in her heart she knew she still loved Feng Jiu Ge, sure she was angry at his decision, and she was hurt by his choice.

But she knew him too well, she knew that this day might come, she knew all this and yet she still chose to give her heart to this man.

She buried her face in his chest and cried:

Bai Qing began to sing, though it was muffled through Feng Jiu Ge's chest: "Whatever your choice, wherever you go, let me stay here by your side, standing face to face."

Feng Jiu Ge sang along: "The journey is long, and friends are few, my weary heart always turns to you. This life is but one, I choose to live it, free and unfettered, a memory so bittersweet, it is sad we had to part, but my heart will carry you."

Bai Qing began to sob even harder; she knew what Feng Jiu Ge meant.

He was telling her to stay behind, away from him.

Not because he hates her but because he loves her.

Feng Jiu Ge loved his family very much, otherwise, he would not have sacrificed so much for them.

But Feng Jiu Ge could not be restrained, Fate could not hold him down, Friends could not hold him down, even Family could not hold him down.

Did this mean he would not sacrifice for his family?

It is a mix of yes and no.

Feng Jiu Ge would willingly go through dangers and troubles for his family, what he could not do is live a lie for them.

It was not in his nature; he could not deny himself.

If Feng Jiu Ge wanted something, he'll try and get it, if something blocked his way he would destroy it, if Fate suppressed him then he had to destroy Fate, if Destiny called out to him, then he would walk towards Destiny.

Feng Jiu Ge had only become like this because of the attraction of Destiny, he felt that it was as if Destiny was a part of him that he was trying to find and express.

His heart seemed to yearn and call out to him, his future called out to him.

How could he resist this feeling within him?

Feng Jiu Ge could not resist; thus, he will go find himself, only then can he return to the normalcy his wife loved.

He would never forget or forsake her, but he would also never let her hold him down.

He was Feng Jiu Ge!

Fair Bai Qing wiped her tears: "Why have you come?"

She knew that Feng Jiu Ge was still not ready to come home.

"It's regarding Jin Huang,"

"Oh no! Is she injured or worse dead!" Fairy Bai Qing immediately jumped the gun: "Feng Jiu Ge she is all I have left; didn't you say you would protect her!"

A slight pain stabbed Feng Jiu Ge's heart.

He knew his choice would hurt his family, but hearing the words directly from Bai Qing, made it feel as if a knife was stabbing his chest.

"She's not dead, but she's at a crossroad in her life," Feng Jiu Ge began to explain everything about Feng Jin Huang.

Fairy Bai Qing took a minute to let it all in.

I've decided that I won't release the chapters back to back, because it drains my brain too much to do chapters back to back.

So instead I'll release one at my standardish time, and another one later in the day.

But more importantly, what do you guys think of Feng Jiu Ge.

I have a very hard time grasping his character accurately.

He is displayed as a loving caring father, yet he can't put aside himself for his family.

So I tried my best to explain that concept, lmk how I can improve upon it.

But I do think that Feng Jiu Ge loves his family, it's just that he can't deny himself for them.

I, personally, feel that Feng Jiu Ge would even die for them, as this is true to himself, but he just can't live a lie for them.

He is a man of strict principles.

Well, that's my 2 cents on the matter, let me know how you guys envision Feng Jiu Ge.

I'll need it for upcoming chapters.

zulbuckscreators' thoughts