
Chapter 6

Bane left Celeste to work in peace as he focused on his own work that he had to do. To the public he was a well-known business analyst and night club owner. Some had suspicions that he was connected with the mafia but his professional appearance and spotless public record, it was hard to trace how he had ties with the mafia.

Perks of being a werewolf disguised as a human meant that he could do all the dirty work under that cover while keeping his human counterpart out of the spot light of suspicion.

He really didn't care much for humans, but considering how much money his night clubs brought in through gambling and other means, he made sure to donate the right amount to charities in order to increase his esteem within the community and maintain a positive view with the public.

He couldn't deny though that it was harder than usual to focus on the report in front of him with the human girl now hanging around. Her scent was almost intoxicating to him even though they on opposite sides of the room. Was this how all werewolves felt when they were around their mates? He couldn't remember a time when his brother was like that, but then again he never paid much attention. He was either too annoyed by the fact that he hadn't found his own or concerned with other matters to pay attention to the courtship that happened between Crescent and his mate.

He knew that his wolf was conflicted about the matter as well. To get lost in such a thing would end becoming a weakness for him, especially since his mate turned out to be human. Interesting as she was, it made her a liability to him considering she was more than at least a hundred times weaker than he was and would require a great deal of protection to keep safe.

Of course.. there was the rumor that had always gone around that no one could prove since human mates were so rare. It was the claim that the moon goddess would grant a human the power to shift if their mate marked them underneath the light of the full moon.

Bane had a hard time believing in such things consider only one in every million werewolf ended up with a human mate. The risk didn't feel like it would be worth it. That didn't mean however that he would abandon his mate and not take her.

Rather, he would have to make sure that there were a number of measures in place first. Such news would be fast to travel if it turned out the Alpha of one of one of the most prominent mafia families turned out to have a human mate. She would quick to become a target of anyone that wanted to see him fall.

"You look rather upset at that rate. Do you perhaps need a refill to help you get through it?" Bane was brought out of his thoughts by Celeste's voice coming from right next to him. He had been so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize he must've been glaring while working through the problems in his mind. At least his attention still had been focused on the report.

"That would be lovely." He replied as he handed her the cup. She took the glass with a nod of head and walked away to refill it but couldn't stop herself from glancing back at the human werewolf.

It turned out to be bad timing for her as Bane had his gaze on her back while she was walking away. It was hard not to look at her. The blush that passed over her face when their eyes locked before she turned and hurried away to refill the coffee cup made it worth it for him. Such innocent reactions as those he somehow found to be quite amusing.

In order to not make her more nervous than she appeared, the werewolf turned his attention back to the report in front of him. He really did need to get it done as his employer had been waiting for it for the past three days and would reprimand him if he didn't have it finished up by the end of the day for him.

"Thank you." He told Celeste when she brought his cup back filled to the top. She didn't look at him this time before she turned to leave, but he caught her hand when she did this causing her to jolt from the sudden unexpected contact.

"Wait a moment for me to make sure it tastes right." he told her when she looked over at him with a concerned expression. He let her hand go so that he could taste the coffee in front of him. Was she a naturally nervous person or was she scared of him even though he hadn't actually done anything to her?

"It will do." He concluded after taking two small sips of the drink. It wasn't as perfect as he was used to it being, but he wouldn't complain since it was her first day working there.

"One more thing." He told her before could leave which caused her to give a look that was a mixture of exasperation and wariness. She felt that the werewolf was doing this on purpose in order to keep her near him for longer than necessary.

The actual reason why he did this was because he wanted to pay his bill. He knew how much it usually cost each time he came. Compared to what he normally paid however, he pulled out a twenty and five and handed it to her.

Bane knew that the money he gave her was almost twice as much as he actually owed, but he wanted to give her a tip. He was well known for being generous with what he gave to those who worked at this coffee shop. For Celeste, he wanted to give her far more than what he put in her hand, but knew that she would object and others would be confused as to why a stranger was giving her such a large sum of money. Thus, he stuck to something that would still be within the range of reasonable.

"Keep the tip." He told her before he turned his attention back to the report in front of him, tuning out the other before she had a chance to protest what he had done.

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