
First day

The next morning, Meredith woke up early because she didn't want to be late on her first day at work. She couldn't help but feel nervous. What if she made a mistake or messed up some important files?

No, think positive Merri. This job is important to you. It marks the beginning of getting your life back on track and you shouldn't mess it up. She thought.

Sighing, she got up from her bed and went to the bathroom to shower. After ten minutes, she came out of the shower with a blue towel wrapped around her.

Fortunately, she didn't have enough dresses to contemplate on what to wear. She took a black pencil skirt and a white chiffon long sleeved shirt with neck tie collar and paired it with black flat shoes.

After getting dressed, she quickly pulled her hair in a high sleek ponytail and apply a red lipstick. Even though she was once obsessed with makeup, she had fallen out of love with it.

She put on her big glasses and made her way downstairs. Her brother was preparing breakfast in the kitchen while vibing to a kpop song which was playing on the music box she had gotten him.

A soft smile graced her lips. Anytime she sees him being this happy and carefree she reminds herself that she made the right decision.

But the budding guilty feeling in her heart wouldn't go away no matter how many times she convinces herself she did the right thing.

"Good morning, Sorella. See you're ready for work. Come and let's eat breakfast."

Aaron said holding toasted bread and scrambled eggs while making his way towards the table which already had two bowls of oats on it.

"When did you get up to prepare all of this?"

Aaron placed the plate on the table and shrugged, "My sister is starting her first job of course I'm not going to let her starve! Who knows how annoying your boss might be? You need all the energy you can get to face the day ahead."

Aaron said with a clear amusement in his eyes. Meredith shook her head. Her little brother acted like her mom every day. He made sure she had eaten every day. Even though they both knew why Aaron was obsessed with making sure she ate she was still touched.

"Alright boss." Meredith said while giving a small salute to her brother.

"Good!" Aaron said with a curt nod.

They both looked in each other's eyes for moment and busted out laughing.

They quickly had their breakfast and Meredith left the house after they bid their goodbyes. She went to the bus station and waited for the bus.

Ten minutes later the bus came. Unfortunately, it was already full so she had to stand. It was a 25 minutes' drive and soon she reached there.

She got out of the bus and made her way to Lush company. She looked at her watch and it was 7:25am. She had 5 minutes left. She went inside the building and saw the receptionist whom she met yesterday.

The receptionist gave her a friendly smile which Meredith returned.

"Good morning. See you're here early." The woman greeted Meredith.

"Good morning. Yeah, I don't want to lose my job on the first day." Meredith said.

The woman chuckled, "Yeah. Don't worry Mr. Martini doesn't bite unless you cross the line. He is very well-mannered and respectful unless you mess up.

The man doesn't have forgiveness in his dictionary. That's what weird about him you know. How can a man be so respectful yet ruthless?" The woman said as she gave Meredith a folder. Meredith furrowed her brows but said nothing

"Here., I made a list on what you're supposed to do. You're lucky I like you."

Meredith took the folder and smiled at the woman. "Thank you."

"Hmm welcome. I'm Julia by the way."

"Thank you, Julia, but I have to go now." Meredith said and made her way to the elevator.

"See you around. Enjoy your first day!" Julia said to Meredith.

Meredith entered the elevator and it was empty. She looked through the folder Julia had given her.

Julia had broken down every task for her and even left her number for her to call in case she didn't understand something. The woman was really kind. It seems her job wasn't going to be that bad.

A small ping noise broke her out of her thoughts. The elevator door opened indicating that she had reached the 18th floor. Meredith quickly got out of the elevator.

She made her way towards Atlas's office. She saw the lights on and frowned. She thought he wouldn't be in until 8:00 am. Meredith looked at her watch and saw it was exactly 7:30am. Maybe he wasn't in and the cleaner forgot to turn off the light.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door.

"Come in." A husky voice said from the other side of the door.

Meredith quickly composed herself while slowly opening the door. She saw Atlas's back facing her while he stared out the floor to ceiling window.

"Good morning sir."

"Miss Rossi you're 30 secs late." He said without turning back to look at her.

"I…. Sorry…. erm…I will not be late again. I'm really sorry Sir."

Atlas's chair slowly revolved to reveal his savagely gorgeous face. His dress shirt was blue with matched perfectly with his intense blue eyes. His eyes were narrowed slightly as they assessed her outfit before they bored into hers.

Meredith felt her heartbeat quickened. The man looked more striking than she remembered. His hair was golden brown and it framed his face perfectly. Meredith's hands clenched against the urge to touch it, to see if it was soft as it looked.

"it's rude to stare." Atlas said.

"Huh…wha….I'm…." Meredith flushed with embarrassment.

"Do you want to take a picture?" he inquired.

"N-No Sir." She replied shakily. Was he really asking her that question?

"Miss Rossi." He called her name.

Meredith squeezed her toes down in her flats wondering what he was about to say.

"Get me a cup of coffee, will you?"

Meredith blinked. "A c-offee?" She stuttered, unable to comprehend the situation. She thought he was going to reprimand her.

"Yes, a coffee. I hope you remember how I like it?" he inquired.

"I-Yes sir. Raw" Meredith replied.

"Good. Then go grab me a coffee."

"Alright Sir."

Meredith bolted out of the office and went to make the coffee just as he liked it. Few minutes later. She knocked on the door.

"Come in." His husky voice always made her stomach flipped.

"Sir your coffee." Meredith said while putting the tray in front of him.

Atlas reached out to take the coffee without looking up from his computer screen. He accidently put his fingers in the hot coffee.

Meredith widened her eyes when she saw his fingers in the coffee. Without thinking she grabbed his burned fingers and put it inside her mouth.
