

~ ZEV ~

Once he'd seen Sasha safely delivered to the edge of the clearing and under Yhet's guard, Zev's heart sang.

He was home.

Behind him the males were gathering, trembling with anticipation and nerves, calling for him to come—some challenging, but most offering simple greetings, the yearning to reunite. He turned to face them and his eyes stung.

So many faces he knew… and so many faces missing. Ignoring the grief, Zev focused on the thrill of returning to his true family, and threw back his head and howled. His pack called in return—some of the other Chimera calling their greetings, as well. Then he dove into the fray.

It had been so long since he'd been free with his people—over three years—and for a moment, it was sheer bliss to simple wallow in his pack, to smell and be smelled, to rub bodies and faces, to take each other's breath.

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