
Chapter 327 Revitalized nobility

For the good of the city is an excellent talking point to start a conversation, but how exactly they expect Cain to help might become a point of contention. The ancient Elf seems happy to enlighten Cain on their plan, though.

"As you can see, the Elders are facing the end of their Mortal lives. I am one of the younger members on the council; the others all have mobility issues that prevented them from coming today. 

The Elves greatly value the wisdom of the previous generations, but there is a gap in our ranks; entire generations were lost during the great war, so the next group preparing to replace the aging elders is nearly six hundred years our junior and lacking much of the wisdom that comes with age." The older woman slowly tells Cain. 

"And you're hoping that I can turn back the clock and keep you alive long enough for them to gain the knowledge needed for the role?" Cain asks, Seriously considering turning them all into Dark Elves. 
