
Ch.31 Follow the Butterfiles Pt.2

We got out of the shack and Harry said "Come on."

Ron said in a broken tone "Come on what?"

Harry said "You heard what Hagrid said, "Follow the spiders." "

Ron said, "They are heading into the dark forest."

I said, "Doesn't matter we still need to follow these creepy eight-legged monstrosities."

Harry smiled and asked, "You are scared of spiders?"

I said "I am not scared of them, I am not that fond of them. The first thing when it comes to spiders in my mind is to kill them."

Ron said, "You are right there, but seriously do we need to follow them?"

Harry said "Yes." Harry and I started to move with Fang and Ron said "Why spiders? Why couldn't it be "Follow the Butterflies"?"

We then headed deep into the Dark Forest and the deeper we got the more creepy it became, there was fog coming from the ground which I didn't know was possible. We all followed Fang and he lead us into the forest.

Ron continued to complain and we both grow sick of the complaint and I said "Try singing your favourite song Ron, it might help?" He sang something unintelligible because of how scared he was so he started to hum the song.

And after the following fang for a while, we found the cave and Ron asked "Can we go now?"

I said, "We are here because of this, we are going inside." Ron came in reluctantly and we were inside like a mangrove kind of situation it was weird.

And we heard a voice calling "Hagrid is that you?" and we heard a loud crunch.

Harry said, "We are friends of Hagrid."

Then it reared its creepy body it was a giant spider and it looked very scary in person. But not that scary as the Basilisk I was a bit scared of this monster because I can't control it but I can kill it easily. But that might not be the best.

Harry asked, "You are Aragog aren't you?"

It said "Yes. Hagrid has never sent men into the hollow before."

Harry said "He is in trouble. Up at the school, there have been attacks." While Harry was talking, I looked for potential escape routes and saw that many spiders were moving towards us.

Aragog explained everything Ron tried to warn Harry but he was busy so I unholstered my wand and said to Ron "It looks like they are getting ready to attack" He nodded

Anagog continued to monologue and Ron couldn't take it anymore and pointed up and we saw Hudge spiders above us and they had also started to surround us.

Harry politely said "Well, thank you. we'll be leaving now."

Anagog was about to say something so I said "Screw this "Protego Diabolica" and green-black flames erupted and formed two walls that protected the way that we came from. and I said, "RUN!"

We ran for it and I continued to use the spells to kill the spiders that were still coming for us. Once outside we still ran and a car came and it opened its doors and Harry said: "Get in!" I made a huge wall in front of the cave but that was useless since these spiders came from every possible direction.

We got in the car and started to drive but there were still spiders chasing us and Harry said "Pull the leaver!" They both tried and I said, "Let me." I pulled it hard as I could it was stuck but it came up after a few tugs and the car started to fly.

We managed to get out of that situation and the car spat us back to the ground and then headed off somewhere.

Harry said, "Thank you for getting us out of that."

I said, "No problem if you get killed Victoria, would murder me as well." Harry then looked at me seriously but then laughed. Ron and I laughed as well.

Ron said, "I am never going back there."

I said "I second that buddy. I do not want to meet Aragog ever again."

I then escorted them back to their Common Room and I then took the cloak from them and they said: "Thank you, Jon, for today and we are sorry for calling you the Heir of Slytherin."

I said, "It's all in the past, now get some sleep, we will need to discuss this tomorrow."

I then went out and got to my Common Room and just crashed onto my bed and said "Making sure Harry doesn't die is a very Hard job I don't know how did Snape and Dumbledor do this."

(Next day)

At the library, I was reading up on some new spells and was wondered if today is the day that everything comes to a close cause if so then there are going to be exams and everything.

Victoria asked, "So what did my brother find last night?"

I said, "He found that a spider was not the culprit and the person who died by the Basilisk 50 years ago was Myrtle."

Daphne said, "I just wish that these things come to a stop."

I said, "Don't worry if my estimates are correct all of this should end in about a few days."

Victoria asked, "Why do you think so?"

I said, "Dumbledore is gone and whoever is responsible for these attacks will be carefree and will do something big and then I would be able to step up and stop all of this."

Daphne said, "Jon please be careful we don't want anything happening to you as well."

I said, "Don't worry I will be careful." I then got up from my seat.

Victoria and Daphne asked, "Where are you going?"

I said "To visit Hermione. You went earlier but I didn't have the chance so I am going now." I then walked towards the hospital wing.

I reached the Hospital Wing and it was during the evening I called Harry and Ron they came as quick as they could and asked "What is it why did you call us?"

I said, "I know the creature that has been attacking the students."

Both of them were eager to know and asked "What is it?"

I showed them the parchment that Hermione had and said "The day before Hermione got attacked we both were still thinking as to what it could have been, we were still torn between a cockatrice and a basilisk but then we talked to Aragog and then there is your Parseltongue ability and then I found this parchment in Hermione's hand and it says Basilisk."

We all then walked outside and Harry then said, "But a Basilisk's gaze can kill not petrify."

I said, "Yes, but no one directly looked at it that colin kid saw it through the camera, Justin saw it through nick and Hermione saw it with the mirror and Mrs Norris was found near a puddle of water."

Ron then asked, "If there was a giant snake don't you think that someone might have seen it slithering its way around the school?"

I then pointed and Harry said "Pipes?"

I said, "It has been using the plumbing system to get around and I think the entry point is the second-floor girl's toilet."

Ron asked, "How?"

I said, "Think about it the toilet has been flooded several times for no reason at all and according to Aragog the girl who died 50 years ago by the monster was..."

Harry and Ron said "Moaning Myrtle."

I said "Bingo."

Harry then said, "That is brilliant work both of you."

We then heard "All students are to return to their dormitories at once. All teachers to the second-floor corridor immediately."

We all then ran for the corridor and found several of the teachers talking and we heard Prof McGonagall say "Our worst fear has been realized A student has been taken to the chambers by the monster."

She sighed and said "The students must be sent home. I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts."

Lockhart came prancing around and asked, "So sorry I dozed around What did I miss?"

Snape said "A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last."

Lockhart has stumped and said "My moment?"

Snape said, "Weren't you saying last night... that you've known all along where the entrance to the Chambers of Secrets is?"

McGonagall said "That's settled. We'll leave you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy. Your skills, after all, are, legend."

Lockhart smiled and said "very well. I'll be in my office getting prepared..."

Madam Pomfrey asked, "Who has it taken Minerva?"

McGonagall said "Ginny Weasley."

Both the boys were shocked and I placed my hand on Ron's shoulder and said "We'll save her Ron."


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetingssss readersss, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

I just wanted to say that this chapter has two parts and that the new chapters might be on the shorter side. I am doing so because it makes writing easier.

And I know there are many people who will argue the decision with taking the parchment away from Hermione but it was the only way that I can think of at the time, to put Mc with Harry in the chambers together.

I would like to say that please don't use any cuss words in the comments because web novel removes them. Use these symbols to complete those words *@#$

I have started an original book but I will be still working on this book as well. I have already finished the chapter for the next day. If you want to read about the new book it is titled The Chaos Wizard. It is set in a modern fantasy magical world. Do give it a read if you are interested.

Thank you to all the people who voted.

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