
Second Heroine Yang Xiao Long (2)

as soon as we enter the house i can hear heavy breathing and some kind of and some moans but they are quiet and nothing too loud so sex is not an option even if there is countless condoms on the ground filled to the brim with cum like some woman was being raped by a group of guys on a friday nigth

Ruby looks at the ground with cold anger but with a kind of fatigue like this isnt the first time this kind of thing happened

we walk througth the house only to see more trash, some blood like someone got injured and was either a lot of people geting injured or some people getting a serious injury that shed this much blood as it was neither too much or too little

we walk to the kitchen to see cum on the walls and on the sink there is blood there but it isnt much ignoring the cum all over the place the kitchen was the most normal part of the house nothing was broken but there are food remains and dirty dishes

Ruby then goes to one of the cabinets that arent dirty with cum opening it there is only one thing in there a glass jar of cookies that is in the best condicion on object can have

so its natural that we assume that Ruby or other people of the house like this jar very much

Ruby opens the lid a picks a two cookies as she eats one and gives me one i pick the cookie to see Ruby eating the cookie like a squirrel

i deadpan at her

it isnt normal to eat a cookie with such happines in an ambient that seam like an old whore house

while Ruby eats her cookie the moans stop

only to me smell an heavy girly scent mixed with a little of girl... love juice?

anyway i hear some small steps only turn around and see a woman wearing an yellow blouse that seam too small for her making her huge breasts stand more then it should and her using no pants only with a black panties that seam to be wet and is giving an strange scent

her yellow eyes are stuck on my body rather then Ruby

the fingers of her rigth hand are sooked with a strange translucent liquid

she passed her left hand throught her wild blond hair while saying

"Ruby who is the cutie you brougth with you"

the flirty and perverted look she is giving me is bothering me

Ruby hearing this looks at the blond woman with ultimate disgust and says with an anoyed and cold tone

"shouldnt you be masturbating on your room Yang"

Yang then says with a bit of coldness and disgust on her tone

"what does that even concern you stupid Rose"

Next chapter