
For Fun... Or For Vengeance?

"I think he likes her already," Haley says, taking a wrap from the cabinet in the Castle's Magnificent Chef house.

Maids and Male servants are moving around, each doing one thing or the other. Chefs are cooking the raw food or other animals rather for the next morning's consumption.

"I think I and him will fight for this one. She is hot"

"That's all you know, Nate," Gandrel says, rolling his eyes in annoyance and pressure because Nate has girl issues.

When he's with girls, he refused to get distracted by any unreasonable reason, but when he is with guys, he always gets distracted by a reason no one can question or comprehend when it comes to him.

Girls. That's the reason.

His male friends can't stop thinking about what his problem is and who will satisfy his need for too many girls... Urgh, he can be a bastard sometimes.

Haley rolls her eyes, whispering something beneath her breath. The Almighty Nate walks up to her and whispers in her ear...

"Don't worry, things won't change between us"

"Stop that, Nate"

Everyone, including the chefs and maids, stop working and turn to the window just to see Zadok hop in through it with his black hair all over his shoulders, looking wet and shiny. His face is not in a good expression when it comes to answering questions so they just swallow the questions making their way out of their throats.

"Prince Zadok...?" All the maids and servants immediately rush out of the chef's house seeing the Prince glaring at everyone there. The buzzes of their hurriedness stop immediately all the servants and maids exits the room, remaining the five of them.

There is silence for a while, Zadok standing opposite the window backing it with his head not raised to stare into their eyes.

"I went to Matilda today"

"Oh God," Nate mutters, getting his hand off the desk in the room and his palms run through his hair in some kind of expression.

{Should I use regret? Hmmm.... - Author

Yeah, regret is the name - Nate}

His palms run through his hair in regret.

{Okay Nate? - Author

Cool one, Creator - Nate}

"Matilda? After what she did to you?"

Zadok raises his head and licks his lips with his small wolfy tongue.

"I didn't go to her to do any of those things, I went to her to know what Mally says?"

"Mally? The moon goddess?"

Everyone rolls their eyes because of the stupid question asked by Nate, because of his fidgeting spirit.

"You'll tell me how many Molly's you have in this forest that makes you mention her identity" Lorn retorts and Nate glares terribly at him.

"What makes you think she'll say anything?" Gandrel asks

"And even if she does... " Haley returns her gaze to Zadok, taking it from the face of Lorn.

"Do you think Matilda will say the truth after what happened? Do you think she'll want you to find a mate, Zadok?"

Zadok sighs deeply. She got a point.

After what happened... The pain... Stress... Cheating... Why will he believe her again?

"But the human-"

"Give her a try, Zadok," Haley says, caring whether or not she's calling him by name.

"But so many humans have disappointed me. So many wolves have disappointed me" Zadok says his hand dropping on the desk in anger.

"Yeah, that so many you talk about are just six, Prince. Four wolves, two humans"

"Nate!!!" Everyone yells, except Zadok.

"What? I'm trying to get him to think about the words he has to use because six is not many"

"Did you consider the time he spent with those six?" Gandrel asks and Nate bites his lower lip in shame, though, his face predicts nothing like it.

"Whatever" Nate mumbles, his back on the wall, knee held up high with his foot attached to the wall for assistance.

Haley eyes him once and then returns her focus to Zadok.

"The prophecy states that you will keep trying until you find the right one, which may seem like the wrong one, and then the goddess will test your mental abilities to be wise, or foolish. It states that when you pass by the right one you will meet the wrong one and because of her looks, you may forget about the right one"

Zadok raises his head, his jaw twitching like everyone's jaw would when making a decision.

"I won't say even if she's the one, cause she is the one"

"How do you know, Haley?" Zadok asks facing her now and trying to catch any glint of lies escaping her mouth. Because of the darkness, only the shadow of Zadok can be seen.

But you know the sharp eyes of dogs... If dogs can see in the dark, what can wolves not see?

"Reason with me, Prince. The six that had disappointed you came out from wealthy families. Some, travelers that abandoned their children and out of compassion, you took them in. The humans"

That's true. He took them in thinking their parents were the cruel ones.

Not knowing the children caused their abandonment by being too possessive.

"And they don't know how to fight. We killed them because of their high demands of different unnecessary things from this place whole they wanted to go out and explore the world"

Zadok stares at her, completely confused. If there is a swan of confusion, it'd be what he's in now.

"But Zyla is totally different. She was sent to kill you, but... She changed all of a sudden. I believe when the both of you go out tomorrow night, you'll know her real self. Does she really kill for fun... Or for vengeance?"

All the men stare at Haley in complete shock and astonishment. Proud that their wise and young female beauty really got her wisdom at work.

"Think about it, Prince Zadok. Zyla is not the assassin or spy that she said she is. She is something more than what we know. Someone more them who we know. Imagine what her reaction is when she realizes the main reason for her clan's death?"

Zadok hopes rises hearing this but drops as another doubt overtakes him.

"What if she kills me?"

Haley smiles.

"Then we all die"

Simple and short.

"She will be shocked when she finally gets to know why Kandun was wiped out"

Zadok sighs.

Old Kandun's Death.

Next chapter