
The Corpse

(From Demetrius's Perspective)

I could not be back home that night. I had told Blue beforehand that my work might take a while. But I did not know it would take that long. 

"You should tell Blue to control someone's mind and get them to do all these works. It's hard to do them all by yourself and, you know, a King doesn't work like this. They make others do it," Luc said. I went to the magic tower first because I needed to give instructions for the work he had to do. 

"I am not making Blue do something. She is pregnant and needs rest. We have a six-month-old son who is really clingy to her. Besides, she is doing her part of the paperwork while making some kind of blasting powder in her workshop. I am not giving her more work. I wish she would just rest and do nothing," I said. 

Besides, my wife could not control the mind of werewolves. It was the price she had to pay for bringing me back from death. 

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