
I Will Give It A Thought

(From Blue's Perspective)

"You know what you are. Then why? Why do you still act like the Queen of a pathetic kingdom when you can be the Queen of the world? Why do you have to do the job of a wife and a mother? That's not the life for you. That's not a life for any of us. You were born to be by my side, to rule the world. That kind of puny life is for the weak ones."

I shook my head. Someone needed to get his voice out of my head. I just could not bear it anymore. All day long, all night long, his voice would disturb me. It started when I caught the fever. Now that it had been two months and the fever was long gone, the voice did not leave me. 

"Are you alright, Your Highness? You look like you feel from a horse," Perita asked. 

"Give me a massage, Perita. My neck hurts," I said. 

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