
Must Choose

(From Blue's Perspective)

That night, when I saw him making grunting noises in his sleep, I was on his side within a moment, completely awake and shaking him. I had dozed off for a moment and I regretted it. But then again, what could I have done even if I was awake? No one knew he had been poisoned. There was no sign of the poison. 

I watched out the carriage window as it entered the palace ground. A lot had happened in the last five days. My heart was not okay. I was not okay. 

But I had forced myself to stand up and take the lead for the first time. It was high time I truly accepted myself as the Queen and worked as one. It was not just a title. I needed to be the one in charge of the reins. 

I got Luc to teleport me near the palace and got a few knights to bring me a carriage to enter the palace. I wanted to make an entrance. The remaining people in the palace needed to know the Queen had returned. 

I was done hiding. 

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