
The Weird Dream

[We have reached the century for The Werewolf King's Bride. Thank you for your support and keep supporting Demetrius and Blue and let's pray so they have a good life.]

(From Blue's Perspective)

I could not sleep the next night as well. The worst memories began to crawl into my mind, making me shiver from head to toe. It did not happen last month. But why now?

Perhaps I knew why. Until now since I came here, Demetrius was always beside me on the bed. I could never feel the depth of darkness because of his warmth. He made me forget all about my past. But when he was not here, those memories came crawling back again like monster spiders spreading their legs to capture me in its grasp. 

Their voices, their scary faces- all came to my mind. It was as if I was fading and falling into their grasp again. I did not want this. I wanted to scream, I wanted to run away. But I could not move my body. 

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