
Chapter 6

Loyd screamed out the top of his lungs, bursting in tears.

His aching cries tunneled it's way through the sky only to never reach.

Sadly, his cries were silenced by the constant bombardment of explosives and bullets being fired which had empowered his dying screams.

Loyd wanted to kill himself.

His hate for himself grew stronger and stronger to the point where anger had now empowered all his other emotions.

Loyd yelled angrily, as he clenched his fist ready to harm himself.

Frantically looking for something he relieve his anger with, he locked onto a cracked wall with nails sticking out.

He grabbed onto it and thrust his head on it causing his head to erupt in blood.

Loyd forgot about physical pain for a moment and bashed his head again into the wall.

His forehead ruptured by the severe beatings, spewed out enormous amounts of blood, which dripped all around his head covering him in a damp layer of thick blood.

Loyd kept on bashing his head until he ran out of energy to continue.

The excess amounts of blood loss caused him to feel nauseous.

Loyd now fading in and out of consciousness, had only one dying wish left.

*Scenary of Loyd with a bloody face and ruptured forehead looking into the sky appears*

He wanted to see his brother Lock and Kennen one last time before he died.

The only thing carrying loyd now was pure determination to fulfil his last wish.

Using just determination and willpower alone, Loyd sluggishly picked himself up and stood up on his feet.

Lifting himself up, he used the debris and rubble of his pummeled home as support for movement.

Then he proceeded to move forward in the direction of his pulverised living room.

"This is what Kennen must have felt" loyd cried as he dragged along.

Loyd felt as if though half of his brain was ripped out, which left him incapable of even thinking clearly.

Despite all the pain and suffering, Loyd dragged himself across into his shattered home and found himself peering at what seemed to be a hole in-between the rubble.

Loyd was certain this hole was the passageway to the living room and took his gamble.

Limping forward, he found himself constantly tripping over small pieces of rubble which normally would have been no problem to deal with, but with his current condition, it made this task extremely difficult.

After what seemed like hours, Loyd finally reached the open hole.

*Scenary of Loyd in front a dark whole*

He tried peering inside but his blurred vision prevented him from getting a view of the other side.

Loyd made his decision final and decided to go through the hole.

He dropped down and got back on his hands and knees beginning to crawl; as he was crawling through, he noticed red liquid splattered on the walls.

Loyd thought of all the innocent people killed and how everything suddenly circled to utter chaos.

After what seemed like another pack of hours, Loyd reached the opposite end of the mini tunnel.

As he was examining the room for clues, he relized that this was the living room and felt a small sense of relief.

Suddenly, a random spark of tremor struck the half senseless Loyd.

He felt a weird cold chill run down his body as the stench of blood invaded his nose.

Loyd looked around to find the source of the stench and witnessed on his left side some pile of broken rocks lying on top of each other.

As he limped closer to it, he relized that the stench grew stronger and stronger.

His blurry vision made it hard to perceive light in this dimly lit room.

The only source of light came from some cracks on the second floor which had almost broken off anyway.

Loyd came closer to the pile of rocks and squinted as hard as his heavy eyes could.

His vision slowly started to get worse but he stared at the pile until it became somewhat clear.

Immediately, Loyd dropped onto the ground.

He couldn't believe his exhausted eyes.

What he saw at that moment shook him to the very last nerve.

The one thing he had wished never to witness had just befell his very own eyes.

There, drowned in a pool of his own blood..., layed Kennen, crushed and flattened by huge boulders...

Next chapter