

Henry opened his eyes.

Finally! He wasn't sure it would work but he did. He had managed to be in control of his body. He sat up from the bed he laid on, marveling at the movement of his arms at his own will. He finally did it.

Still, he knew too well that his breakthrough was merely temporary. Lucifer would take back control the moment he realizes something was off. He had to act fast and make the most of the opportunity.

Lila was on the bed beside him. He finally got to touch her tender skin himself after watching from the sidelines for such a long time. She looked peaceful, with locks of hair partially covering her face. She was indeed beautiful. But this wasn't the time for admiration.

"Lila, wake up," he tapped her arm vigorously until she began to react.

"Henry, stop," she moaned sluggishly as she fended his hands away with her eyes closed.

"No, Lila. This is urgent," Henry continued adamantly.

"Ugh, can't it wait till the morning?" Lila groaned, rubbing her eyes.

"Lila, please wake up. I don't know how much longer I can be in control," Henry tapped on.

All signs of sleep seemed to wash off her immediately. She sat up now, staring blankly at him.

"What's going on?" She shot a glare at him and just then, Henry's face softened as he went through a transformation in split seconds. "It's nothing, my darling," he said in a much calmer voice before beaming a smile. He was back in control.

Unsuspecting, Lila frowned.

"The hell it is," she said with a hiss.

"I'm serious," Lucifer forced a chuckle. "I just wanted to share the crazy dream I had with you but then I realized it could wait till the morning as you said."

His excuse only seemed to make her even more pissed.

"You mean you woke me up for nothing?" She sputtered.

"I'm sorry," Lucifer replied.

Lila sighed then studied his face intently.

"Are you sure nothing's wrong?" He asked in worry.

"Everything is perfectly fine, my dear. I promise," Lucifer assured.

"Okay," she heaved another sigh. "Try that again and we'll sleep in separate rooms for a whole week," Lila warned as she made herself more comfortable under the duvet.

"I could sing you to sleep if you want--"

"Go to bed, Henry." Said Lila as she turned to the other side of the bed. Lucifer watched her for a while to make sure she'd gone back to sleep.

"Try that one more time, Doctor, and I'll make sure you don't have a body to return to." He warned.

** ** **

Monday was off to a fast start as usual for the company but it was a much more boring one for Lucifer who found himself almost declaring vocally a distaste of the fact that he had to work in front of some employees. Moreover, Tony seemed to be unavailable. He needed someone to share his weekend experience with Lila so bad that once again he set out to search for him during the lunch break.

Lucifer he knew could only be found among two people: him or Hannah and when it was neither, he preferred to spend his time alone in Dr. Bates's lab while he did some research of his own. Hence, the lab was Lucifer's second guess after not finding him with Hannah.

"Hello, Ash."

Tony turned away from the transparent board to see Lucifer approaching him with a big grin on his face and his hands behind his back.

"Good afternoon boss," he stood up from his stool.

"What are you doing?" Lucifer asked.

"Um, just some calculations for a little project I'm working on," Tony answered, "How was the wedding?"

"It was marvelous, Ash. I met with Lila's family, I gave a speech for the groom... And oh, Lila and I made love."

"Oh, no," Tony simpered.

"Oh, yeah. I have to say, it was purely ecstatic... and she did this thing when she was on top--" Lucifer said, attempting to explain with his hands but Tony was quick to shut him off.

"Nope, that is as far as my ears could go." He poked his two index fingers into his ear and straightened his expression.

Lucifer laughed.

"Relax, Ash. The devil doesn't kiss and tell," he winked.

"Phew." Tony whistled. "But are you sure Dr. Bates was cool with it? I mean, it was his body but technically he wasn't who- you know..." He gesticulated with his hands.

"Well, he wasn't," Lucifer answered. "But I was able to block him out for the whole night."


"Yes. He hasn't said a word to me since that night so I'm guessing he's still mad at me. Also, he tried to take control of his body last night- well he did, for a minute or so."

"What? How?" Tony's jaw dropped in a mix of shock and awe.

"I can't seem to explain how it happened just as I can't explain how I got into his body in the first place but fortunately, I was able to regain control just before he told Lila."

"Lucifer. I mean, it's great what you did, clearing Dr. Bates's name and saving the company but it's been a month already, don't you think it's time you should leave?"

"Ash, I told you--"

"Yeah, that you wanted to experience what it's like to be human. I get that but it's starting to look like your actions are starting to affect the lives of others, especially Dr. Bates." Tony argued. "You've had enough fun to last you a century. So why do you still want to stay."

Just as Lucifer was about to open his mouth to speak, his phone rang.

"Hold on," He raised a finger as he pulled out the phone from his pocket. "It's Lila."

"We're never going to have this talk ever again, are we?" Tony's lips curved a downward arc.

Lucifer sneered and put the phone to his ear.

"Hey babe," He said as he turned away from Tony.

"Hey, how's work?"

"Ugh, boring." Lucifer groaned. He could hear Lila giggle at the end of the phone.

"I thought so. Why don't you come home then?" Lila proposed. "I miss you..."

Lucifer sneered, recalling the exhilarating passion they shared on their last night at the Murphy Manor.

"You do, huh?"

"Yes... And you're the boss after all, right?"

Lucifer chuckled.

"I guess you're right."

"Yeah, we could cook something together like we used to do."

"Mhmm, I'd like that. See you in thirty."

"I love you."

Lucifer became stunned. It wasn't the first time she said those three words to him but he felt like she truly meant them this time and he didn't know how to react.

"Bye." He hung up then turned back to face Tony. "I must say that was a bit... awkward."

Lucifer stressed the word awkward as he realized something different about Tony. There were little dark traces all across his neck, fingernails were long and one could say tipped. He made a growling sound, revealing a nasty set of jagged teeth.

"Greetings, master," he voiced menacingly.

Lucifer smirked, knowing it was the voice of a demon.

"This is definitely an upgrade to Ash's appearance," Lucifer sneered. "Hold on, I want to take a picture."

"As you please, master," The demon inhabiting Tony growled.

Lucifer understood that a demon showing up meant that something was up.

"Now, what do you want?" He demanded as if he wanted the demon gone that instant.

"I was instructed to come to warn you," The demon began.

"Well? Get on with it," Lucifer said impatiently, gesticulating with his left hand.

"There's a strong presence lurking around, an angel who now walks the city just as you do," the demon paused, hoping his words had struck a chord in Lucifer's heavy strings of interest. It didn't. "He wiped out a small portion of our army two weeks ago," the demon continued.

"And how is that my problem?"

"It is believed that this angel seeks revenge and has come for you."

Lucifer scoffed.

"That's old news now. Of course all the angels in the silver city still bear a grudge against me since the war in heaven so this, my friend, is nothing, " he said, patting Tony's shoulder. "And besides let them come, it's been a while since I had a good fight."

The demon made a bowling gesture.

"Yes, master."

"Is that all?"

"Yes, but the other lords are angry, you didn't--"

"Very well then. Off you go," Lucifer snapped his fingers, forcing the demon out of Tony's body before it could finish speaking. Tony gained consciousness immediately, ignorant of the time that had passed while he was possessed.

"Wait, what's going on?" Tony asked feeling sick in his mouth. He also noticed he was sweaty which felt weird because a moment ago, he wasn't.

"That's a story for another day, Ash. It's time for me to call it a day," Lucifer said as he headed for the door.

"But it's just 12:30," Tony countered.

"I know. Enjoy the rest of your day, Ash."

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